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This here is my 4th archive. This is where my pics somewhat changed. Mostly, it's the color quality that changed. I got a set of water colored pencils that I used for a while for my pics. This is the second type of style of art I used. Anyways, see if you see any difference from the previous pics. ;-)

Here's Shen at the beach, wearing his speedos. :-P Gag me. Marlene is also with Shen at the beach. The only problem, is the attention shen is getting from soem anonymous bikini girls in the background. (Um folks..we got girls with heart eyes here. :-P) It's cause they're ooing and awing over Shen's musuclar fisique. Well er um..Marlene is not taking this lightly. Being Shen's wife, she's pretty peeved at how the girls look at him. Note how she talks to Shen; yep, she's angry. :-P Meanwhile, Coco's sjut sitting there laughing at poor Shen, cause of the way he looks mostly. Pura is however, kinda a little annoyed with his appearance and attention getting. (Note the face. ;-)) Poor Shen. Guess next time he's wearing trunks. :-P

Now here's the more romantic side of Shen and Marlene's relationship. Here is a lovely scene, where the happy couple are embracing each other passionately, doing some smootchin'. Yes, they're nude. But this pic was designed to be romantic. Couples do this kinda stuff when they're in love with each other. Here is Shena nd Marlene, kissing like lovers do in a pond at night. Perfect place to share romance. These two really love each other, and enjoy the warm passionate embrace under the moon. Way to go Shen. ;-) Marlene's one lucky girl to have him. Romantic ain't it? :-)

This picture is of Shen Lo Ken's daughter; Sharon Nicole Ken. In this picture are the most influential girls in Sharon's life. To Sharon's middle left is her mother and Shen's wife, Marlene. In the top left is Sharon's adopted sister; Katie. (The cat girl. :-p) Right down by her leg on the elft is Cassandra; the dog girl who's Sharon's best friend at school. And then to the right; on the bottom, is Sharon's other friend and rival; Leslie. (The dingo girl equipped with the sword.) And on the right is the more adult version of Coco; as you can see, she buffed up. :) Sharon's also holding a medallion in her hands given to her for her birthday. (This medallion has more meaning later in the series starring Sharon.) This is my earliest picture of Sharon.

Now in this picture; are the most influential men in Sharon's life. Of course; the main and most influential man in her life is her father; Shen Lo Ken. (Looking proudly at her from the right.) On the very bottom is the orange raptor Nanaki; who knows about Sharon's future as a great fighter from a great prophecy. Now there are two characters on the left. The top bigger one in the left with the red hair; is Trevor, Sharon's future boyfriend. On the bottom is Trevor's partner; the wolf Chris Kieth. (Okay um..guess where that came from. ;)) Both use swords and are great fighters. :) But in the top right; the big eye; is actually Sharon's first enemy, Medulla. Not influential; but this is where she discovers what her true destiny is when battling him. Sharon shows more action in this fic, as she leaps forward.

This is the first request pic I ever did for one of my best friends at CC; Lionness Bandicoot. This shows Lionness's love for the great orange one himself. :) (That is; Crash Bandicoot.) Lionness loves Crash so much; and this picture reflects it. That's Lionnes on the elft; with her lovely red hair and purple nightdress. Crash on the right; looking lovingly into her with his cap on backwards. These two really love each other; and I cna udnerstand Lionness's love for our great orange bandicoot hero. :) Well they'd make a great couple wouldn't they? :) I mean; I can see why the girls find Crash attractive; besides him being one of the cooliest furry video game chars of all time. Just thought I'd show you guys how these two'd look together. :)

A portrait of Pinstripe Potoroo, the sterotypical gangster of Crash Bandicoot. Actually , if you heard his voice before, it's pretty funny. ;-) I even made up a motto for him, that really fits him well. And as the title suggests, he also works as the 'Screwiest Hitman' you can order. :-) Cheesy gangster alright, check out his suit. :-P Anyways, one of the few Crash bandicoot villians I have drawn. Posture's kinda off. :-P Oh werll, Pinstripe's one of ym few favorite Crahs Bandicoot villians. :-)

Here is Sylvia Saluki's and Dylan Dingocat's son, Taylor Dingocat. This picture here represents how Taylor would look when he's about eight. As you can see, he enjoys spiking his hair, as do I. :-D Spiked hair is cool. :) Chekc out his duds too. And as oen might tell, even at a kid's age, he's still a aldy's man. Note some of the girls in the background. (Uh yeah..folks..we got third grade girls in love with a boy here. >__<) and amny girls can't leave the poor guy alone. (Note the heart eyes again. :-P) Anyways, Taylor enjoys his carefree life, and is quite a smart kid. He's also one of the msot friendliest boys around, so he's got lotsa cool friends. Dylana nd Sylvia's son, Taylor everybody. ;-)

And here's Dylan and Sylvia's second kid, and Taylor's little sister..Jenny Dingocat. She is a saluki, and the nice type. Taylor, like msot brothers, can pick on her sometimes..but they're still siblings and love each other. Here she is smelling the flowers. This picture represents her at the age of five. Jenny is also quite the good girl; and sometimes can rat on Taylor for the eman things done to her at times. :-P But that's oaky, it's cool. :) she's also very smart, and adventurous too. Kinda likes to beg Taylor to bring her along too, even if Taylor doesn't want her to. :-P Hoo boy, sibling rivalry can get hectic at times.

What manner of monster is THIS you ask? O.o I shall tell you. It's actually Demonarc's past monster form. Back when he was defeated by the Vampire Hunter, Frederick Geustave, Before Demonarc's normal form was gone, he tranformed into this beast. Demonarc's ebast form is also heavily armored with rough scales from head to toe; and there is only one weak spot. Frederick fortunately found that weak spot; but this guy could aslo blow fire unto him. Quite the toughy to beat at one time. But this final formw as destroyed; as well as Demonarc's castle. This is one of my first monsters; and Demoanrc's next form would have been much more terrifying and destructive. :-P

This was Saskia's villian, Adam Schwindler. Before Saskia provided a picture of him, I drew a concept sketch of him. Even though this is wasn't he looked like, I kinda liked it. He has that evil smile, but all lady charms he has to seduce innocent women. The devilish wolf himself is Saskia's char, and I did help her a little bit with the name and species. But he was written well by Saskia. :D What a demon and lady killer...literally..he is. :-P Bad wolf.

This is a strange project I worked on; but beleive it or was inspired by a school project I did in art class to improve texture of clothing on characters. And here's my first test subject, Sheila vixen. I drew to look cute here, smiles and all. :-) now to her side are her arrangements of clothes that are both styling and easy to put on the same time. This project did help me improve somewhat on clothing texture. Basically, you use light and tracing paper to draw clothes on other paper while tracing em over the character's outline. More than ever, I also think this amde Sheila cuter.

Another paper doll I did. It's Kiana, Saskia's char. Whilst Sheila lookecute, Kiana looks sexier. And I'm probably more proud of this one than the others. Kiana's figure looks much better, and her arrangment of clothes are much easier to fit on. ;-) I decided to give ehr a special arrangemnt of clothing, anf by comparing both Kiana and Sheila..Kiana looks better. :-) another part of the rpoject I did for a while. It';s good rpactice for me to make the char's clothes look better. Plus, they're printable too for thos enjoy some of the chars. ;-)

The alst doll I did was another cute one. It's Rave Dingodino, Kiorie's char. Like Sheila, she's more cuter than sexy, and has a cool variety of clothes too. This time., I thinkl the clothes look more realistic and are much more fittable than the previous pics. This is where progress really shows. The only prob is, part of Rave was cut off. :-P But that's oaky, cause I'm pretty happy with this one as the others. Plus, I agve her, what probabaly is to me, the coolest assortment of clothes for her. Now um..don't get me wrong..this kinda thing won't lead me to be a fashion deisgner. (I don't like that. :-P) This whole project I wporked on was tot est how well I coudld raw clothes on figures. I think I ddi pretty well. ;-)