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My Profile Page

As this is my own site, created by me and edited by me, I felt it would be proper if I told you guys a bit more about myself. You know some of my famous online characters. (Shen Lo Ken, Lestamos, Armnikron, Demonarc, Sharon Nicole Ken, and so on.) But now I feel it's time you get to know the creator of these characters and many other characters a bit more. Right below you is a portrait of me in my present age, 18. ^__^ And after looking at the portrait, below it is my profile put into as much detail as possible.

First of all, my real full name is Christopher Patrick Keef. I was born in St. Joseph's Hospital on the day of August the 26th, 1983. For about the first six years of my life, I spent most of my time living on Olive Street, right next door to where my grandparents used to live. Often times, I would visit them, and many times, I enjoyed being with them. During this time, my first love interest were dinosaurs. Of course, practically every kid loves em. In particular, my favorite of course was Tyrannosaurus Rex. I also found out how much I liked drawing. (Dinosaurs of course being the first subject of my drawings.) Crude at first, but my parents could already tell I had a creative mind. As far as I can remember, these were my discovery years, when I first started noticing what I liked doing.

So about six years later, we moved to a new house in Wimbledon, Costa Mesa, 1117, Dennis Dr. I first attended Paularino School. After third grade however, my parents feared I would be a target to many meaner older kids. (I did often get into trouble in more ways than one. My parents became really strict on discipline.) So they sent me to a Catholic School, St. John the Baptist's Catholic school. I don't really recall wether or not I loved it or hated it. Practicing Catholic faith,learning the basics; all these things were not so bad. I guess I just didn't quite fit in with many of the other kids. Often times I was quiet, and barely talked to others. And yes, I was picked on quite a number of times. (Fights broke out every now and then.) But to be honest, the 6th grade perhaps was my favorite year here. I was learning things I liked (Such as Ancient Egypt), the teacher, Mrs. Krikorian, really liked me, and I started to socialiaze more. However, things were pretty much going downhill when 7th and 8th grade came along. Subjects were harder, kids rougher. This was also a period of my life when I made my parents very angry, as I kept bringing home bad grades. Often times, almost every week, I was yelled at in more ways than one. Math was among my most hated subject. No matter how hard I tired, it never got through to me. Then I figured out why. My mind, it was more on the creative approach.

During this time, I noticed how my artwork began to improve and be more enjoyable. The first things I ever remembered drawing were of course, dinosaurs and reptiles. Later, it started becoming other things. I then remember how much I loved drawing and making books. (Sorta. Books I mean, by stapling paper together. :p) I first remember my first subjects. There were three of them; a cat, a frog, and a lizard. They all went on wild adventures as I drew them out. (From around the world, to prehistoric islands, to the center of the earth). A bit more later, I distinctly remember moving onto two other subjects of mine. After being influenced by my favorite comic strips (Calvin and Hobbes), I created my own boy/best friend duo; Billy and Don. (Billy was a fox, Don was his dog.) At first, Billy looked exactly like Tails from Sonic the Hedgehog. But alter, I improved him more to be my own. (Foxes were becoming, and perhaps are still, the easiest mammals for me to draw.) Don could talk to Billy, and often sarcasm and mischief were present. They were not alone either. I was also influenced by the greatest American classic comic strips; the 'Peanut's' Gang. Billy's other friends/enemies were also there; in many species; from cats, to dogs, to lizards, even to seals. (Ashley, Lizzy, Sarah, and even homicidal mutant killer seal pups. :P) Yes; thousands of things inspired me to keep making my own comic strips. However, these still remain to myself, are crudely drawn, and were enver shwoed to anyone except my family. (Many pieces still remain missing.) Earlier still; I remember having a complete interest in animals, so I wrote, which are now considered boring (But fascinating for me back then.) 'Animal Fact Books'. For such early years, I studied quite extensively on almost every animal and animal species. Watching animal documentaries were also a great pastime for myself as well.

As years went by, I finally left St. John's and went into high school, as a puny freshman. Looking back at what I created, I realized that I both love animals, and liked giving them human like bodies and personalities. I was not alone, many others also shared my interest. I didn't know it at the time. But I do remember, it was about five years ago when I first received the internet. Now, at first, the internet was completely new to me, and I thought I'd only use it for schoolwork. But I soon began searching for what I liked. I soon discovered what I liked. The people all over the net called it 'Furry'. This somewhat new, and somewhat original concept was for those who loved animals and liked giving them human characteristics. I was one of them. And now I felt I could finally have a chance to show people all over the net what they liked, I liked as well. So it was well over a year before I came to a place, a palce where from which this Web site was born from. 'Crashcorner' it was entitled.

Simply intriguing it was. I do remember having a fondess for the 'CRash Bandicoot' video games. And amny others as well. But at this point, Crash was the only true furry character I knew of. So this site seemed to suit my needs. I wrote fan fiction, and sent pictures. Strangely enough, alotta people loved my work. I liked receiving this praise, and I tooa dmired their work. It wasn't long till I knew I was accepted and I was their friend. So I stayed there, and great friendships were formed. (With such members like Shazi, Kiorie, crashcrazed, Saskia, cherie,Coco,Rexy, Stormy, LionessBandicoot, SPIN, N. Gina, Lady Kagato, N. Gin, Ryan, YCrash13; and many MANY others.) So it was years, and after about two of them, the old Crashcorner fell apart. So a new one was made in its abscence. Crashcorner 2. About a year later, its' original owner bestowed the powers of it to me. I ran the board for a while, but skirmishes and fear began to break out. I soon discovered the board became way to political and actually was indeed infecting my creativity. I had to leave. As I did. (I do sadly remember the morbid replies and sad faces when I left.) But I do still think it helped somewhat, and Is till keep in contact with my old friends there; and will return there for a short visit or two, someday.

It was during these years I found my true desire. To become a special effects artist! Wether it be video games or Movies, I wanted in. I remember enrolling in quite a mutlitude of art classes. My fondest memories were that of Mrs. Posvar, my art teacher.She clearly saw that I had great talents in the art. I also remember how my writing improved greatly, from Mrs. Mercer, my English Teacher. Essay writings were becoming more great for me; and I soon found myself to be a talented writer as well. Both an artist and writer, people could already see I was going places.

So as of now, my goals for the future are set. This is a recorded history of as much as I know of, of how my creativity originated, how I became more successful, and what I have in store for the future. Nothing is going to hold me back from my goals. Whatever it may be, I am ready for what's ahead. I am msot certainly determined to show my work to the world and be recognized, and be proud.

These are my goals, this was my past, there is my future!! Now you know. ^____~

------------------------- PUBLIC PROFILE - Of my likes,and more about me not mentioned previously. ^__~

Christopher Keef

Born: August 26, 1983

Astrological Sign: Virgo

Chinese Zodiac Sign: The Pig

Patriarch: St. Christopher (Saint of Travel.)

Origins/Heritage: Ireland and Italy.

Current State: California.

Past States Visited: Nevada, Hawaii, Arizona, Louisiana.

Past Country Visited: Mexico, the Grand Caymans.

Planned Country Visits: Ireland, Italy, England, Bahamas, Australia.

Major: Art, English.

Best Subject: Art, History, English.

Worst Subject: Math.

---------- Pastimes ----------

Favorite Foods - Pizza, hamburgers, hot dogs, corn dogs, Chinese and Japanese food, tacos, and SEAFOOD!! ^__^

Favorite Drinks - Sodas (Except Diet), ORange Juice, Fruit Punch, and now certain alcoholic beverages. (Even beer.)

Favorite Hobbies - Writing, drawing, playing video games, and collecting.

Favorite Collections - Action Figures. (Star Wars, Video Game, DragonBall Z, dragons, etc.)

Favorite Animals - Reptiles, dogs, foxes, cats, sharks, practically any kind. ^_^

Favorite Drawing Subjects - Animal humanoids. 'Furry'.

--------- Entertainment ---------

Favorite Video Games - CastleVania Series, Final Fantasy 7 and 10, Devil May Cry, Crash Bandicoot series, Street Fighter Series, Mega Man Series, Tomb Raider series, Nightmare Creatures, the Resident Evil series, Metal Gear Solid, Tony Hawk Pro Skater Series, Mario series, Sonic the Hedgehog series, Tail Concerto, Silent Hill, and Blood.

Current Systems owned - Playstation 2, Gameboy Advance, N64, Super Nintendo, and old Nintendo.

Favorite Books - The 'Lord of the Rings' trilogy, 'The Hobbit', '1984', 'The Time Machine', 'Debt of Honor', 'Journey to the Center of the Earth', '20000 Leagues Under the Sea', 'Jurassic Park', 'The Stand', 'The Shining', 'The Outsiders', 'Hunt for Red October', 'Salem's Lot', 'Dracula', 'Frankenstein'.

Favorite Comics/Comic Books - Calvin and Hobbes, The Peanut's Gang, Dilbert,Dagwood, Garfield, Thor, Batman.

Favorite TV Shows/Cartoons - Mystery Science Theater 3000, The Simspons, DragonBall Z, Married Wichchildren, That 70's Show, Grounded for Life, Kids in the Hall, Saturday Night Live, South Park, Samurai Jack, Popeye, Looney Toons, Ed Edd n' Eddy, Grim & Evil, Johnny Bravo.

Favorite Animes - Escaflowne, Trigun, YuYu Hawksho, Tenchi Muyo, Bastard, Devilman, InuYasha, CowBoy BeBop, Slayers, Vampire Hunter D.

Favorite Movies - Star Wars series, Indiana Jones series, Toy Story, Dragonheart, The Rock, Jurassic Park, Ben Hur, Spartacus, A Clockwork Orange, Dr. Strangelove, The Shining, Psycho, Scarface, Liar Liar, Caddyshack, Easy Money, Clerks, 12 Angry Men, Young Frankenstein, Blazzing Saddles, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Shrek, Monty PYthon's Life of Brian, Lord of the Rings, Pee Wee Herman's Big Adventure, Braveheart, Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Movie,Enter the Dragon, Drunken Master, Rush Hour 2, Twister, Heavy Metal, Cheech and Chong's Up in Smoke, Night at the Opera, Casino Royale, Love and Death, Amadeus, Rocky, and so on, and so on, and so on......

Favorite Music: Punk rock, bits of rap, classical, video game soundtracks, rock from the 70's and 80's.

There you have it. Alot of my profile has been clearly showed to you guys. I hope you enjoyed looking at getting to know me a bit more. There's more in store as this site develops, and you'll soon see more in the future for references. Hope you guys enjoyed this little biography of mysself and how you guys amy know me a bit more.

Seeya then.

I BE BACK!!!!!