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Coco's Cool Girl Power Collection

Hello, and welcome to Coco's girl power section of my board. Since Coco is a wonderufl person, and she has been generous enough to send me plenty of her excellent artwork, I have set up her own little section on my board, dedicated to her and 'Girl power'. She's a great person, and as you will soon see; a brilliant artist. Check out her fabulous art. :D

Let us start off with which is to must of us, our favorite Crash heroine; Coco Bandicoot. No other bandicoot girl has more strength and courage as she does. Here; Coco drew the lovable bandicoot herself, riding her pet tiger Pura. Watch as they gallop into action. Well done Coco!! This is a very impressive drawing of everyone's favorite girl bandicoot! LONG LIVE COCO BANDICOOT...IN ALL HER GLORY!! ; )

Hmmm...looks like Coco's got a new look for herself. Coco Bandicoot decided to go Tomb Raider, and dress up as Lara Croft. Her hair is also the same style, and she has the same pistols too. Coco...TO THE EXTREME!! I really liek this one, cause I dunno about the rest of ya, but Coco is lookin' good! This hardened version of Coco can make amny think twice about her! As always Coco, WELL DONE!! The brilliance never runs out for you does it? ;)

Now that you've seen the Coco pics; let me show you many of Coco's chars. Here is one. Her name is Ivory; leader of a team of warrior girls called, 'The Manipulators', as part of Coco's fic 'Wumpa Raider 2'.Ivory is the Manipulator of Wind. Ivory has had a pretty bad experience with the main villian of the story; Demona. Demona killed Ivory's family, and burned down her village in China, just so she could have her join her at thw dark side. But as you might expect, Ivory probably said, "To Hell with that; I'm gonna fight". and she joins Kitsume to train harder to defeat the evil Demona herself. Excellent work Coco! looks like Ivory's got lots of Girl Power alright! :D

Among the msot spiritual of 'The Manipulators', is Jasmin, Manipulator of Wind. She can hear the spirit of her brother calling her in the wind. Her brother, who was killed by Demona, still talks to her; and they still share a special bond. This goes to show, that this girl is not about to give up in the quest for Demona's defeat. The voice of her brother adds as her strength to help her along, and to fight the evil that is to await them. This is a really good drawing Coco. I cna already tell that this character, Jasmin, is destined to be a really cool char. She sounds full of promise! :D

WOW!! check this one out! This is an awesome anime pic Coco drew. This pic is of Tess, Manipulator of War. Now as you all know, the manipulators are agaisnt Demona; but this one has been with Demona for over three years, training under her. The scars on her face, are reminders of the torment she lived through with Demona and her bodygaurds. As you can see, her main insentive is to fight, and that gun is ready to be fired at anyone who is to oppose this lethal warrior. She now fights Demona, possibly for revenge on her for all the torment. Well done Coco, I really like this pic of Tess. The anime feel her is excellent. Keep up the good work! :D

Yeah I know; it's a Girl Power page, but still, this is Coco's page; and she drew what is to me, the best piece of DBZ artwork I've seen a long time. This is amazing!! Look how well Coco drew Goku. First you see the normal Goku; then...the Super Saiyan version of himself. Excellent!! As you might know, Coco is a big DBZ fan, and with the way she draws, she's just a big a fan as I am. Amazing. This pic had me awe stricken. To me, drawing Goku is impossible; but to Coco, it's nothing. Man, Goku looks awesome!! Thanks Coco, this pic REALLy rocks!! You are a talented DBZ alright! :D

WOW!! This pic I really like. Coco was designing phone covers; and decided to go with the DBZ theme! And what a theme. These phone covers rock!! There are two. The one on the left is a phone cover with, yours truly, Goku! ^_^ Look how well Coco did the action sequence. I tell ya; I don't know anyone else who can draw DBZ characters as well as Coco! It's the truth! :D The phone on the right is Gohan, Goku's son. It's his younger form, when he still had the Saiyan tail. Both phone covers REALLY kick ass!! My word, Coco; how did you ever elarn to dsraw DBZ characters this good? Your talent is astonishingly incredible!! WELL DONE!! You truly are a brilliant artist! :D :D

Now we get into Coco's anime human drawings. She drew a trio of girls; who many of you may recognize. On the very left, is the queen of Girl power herself, Coco. I'm not sure if this is what sahe looks liek anime style, but it's very good. In the middle is the NidoPrincess herself, Kiorie. Now admittedly, neither I nor Coco know what Kiorie and Shazi look like. But she drew Kiorie quite well. i liek the anime fix she put on everything. And then on the very right is everyone's favorite girl, Shazi. Again, notice the excellent anime styling Coco used. She's better at anime than I imagined. I must say Coco, you never cease to amaze me!! Excellent job. This kind of gives me a fixed view of what soem oft he members MAY look like!

Here are two other girls Coco drew. Crashcrazed and Cherie. All the girls Coco drew, are girls who Coco claims to ahve helped her out in life. Same goes for em too. Again, Coco uses excelelnt anime detail for both cherie and crashcrazed. This is an excellent drawing. I cna't believe how well you draw. you are a true expert at anime drawing Coco. Like thr first group drawing, this is only what Coco imagines what Crashcrazed and Cherie look like. I bet they look like the ones in the drawings. These are very good Coco. Excellent work as always. I also know, she will be drawing a picture of how she iamgines what the boys at CC look like. ^___^

And here, we see the first architecturial drawing not only by Coco, but on my site as well. and what better way to draw architecture, but by making it into a castle. And what a majestic castle it is. It is a beautiful Celtic castle, aroudn winter time. Coco likes castles; as do I. Castles are among the most fascinating forms of ancient architecture. Good work Coco! Your drawings never fail to amaze me. Keep up the excellent work!

Thank you Coco for these wonderful drawings. I will msot assure you, there are more coming this way. ; )