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Crashcrazed's awesome art is kept here!!! i'm proud to have had these sent to me!!! Her pics are so awesome!!! Way to go Crashcrazed!! Your pics rock!!! Here they are!!

A pic of Dingodile and Polar!!! Looks like Polar's trying to tell Dingodile somethin'! I guess this is where Dingodile's a good guy!!! HAHA...Polar looks like Winnie the Pooh almost!!

Tabitha Katz..the villianess from 'Cortex takes Manhattan'!! She was abused as a kitten..and this made her grow up to be an evil uncaring adult!! Her plans to turn everyone into mutants shocks Crash and his friends..and they are to try and stop her!!

A plant char of Crashcrazed's..Natrina the plant thing!! She is one with she basks by a riverbed..and looks into the sky! She's actually a good guy..and proves quite useful to Crasha nd his we are about to see in the future!

Another pic of Natrina...a profile pic!! Live and in the green!!! A plant char was a good idea!! We got so many animals we never considered plants!!! WAY TO GO CRASHCRAZED!!!!! :D

There are three other char not yet mentioned!! Twitchy..the Koala with the Hawaiian shirt..Ollie..the emu in a trenchcoat..and Somnos..another plant char!!! Twitchy and Olie seem a bit surprised!! Well why not!?!? It's not everyday you walk into a talking plant!!! SUCH A GREAT PIC!!! NICE ONE CRASHCRAZED!!!! :D