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Welcome to a fine collection of CrystalBandicoot's collection. She's very handy with the computer as you can see. :D Enjoy her magnificent art, and rest assured...there's more AWESOME art on the way!! :D :D


WOW! CrystalBandicoot drew another self-portrait of herself! :D She's lookin' better than ever! Notice how she added furlines to her cheecks, and her eyes and hair are more realistically drawn. This is REALLy good Crystal. Where did you ever get the talent to draw compuiter art like this? BRAVO!!! =)


Crystal decided to draw a picture of Coco Bandicoot on the computer. And might I say, she did a real impressive job on it! :D Coco is looking fabulous. Again, notice how the furlines are drawn. Very Japanese style! :D Again Crystal, your computer art is astounding, and outsatnding! Keep up this magnificent artwork! Nice job on Coco! :D

Check it out! CrystalBandicoot drew Eden Lynx, the cat from 'Eden's Revenge'. Eden'd Revenge is a cool fic, and by the looks of it, Eden is one cool looking char. NICE PIC CRYSTAL!! You can tell by the way she draws....that she has EXTREME talent!

LOOK!!!! CrystalBandicoot drew T Rex and Pura. :) they look neat. Nice one Crystal. T Rex and Pura are the pets of Crash and Coco, (they're also members that are friends of mine at CrashCorner. =) ) Good job Crystal. Keep your tlanet running!! NICE PIC!

Here's a self portrait of CrystalBandicoot herself. Hmm..pretty! She looks cute! :D Nice purple hair and girlish bandicoot face. CrystalBandicoot is a great friend of mine, and now I know what she looks like as a bandicoot. She makes an awfully cute bandicoot! ;) Nice job Crystal! :D

Lookey here...Crystal drew that bodacious bandicoot himself! CRASH BANDICOOT!! And this time, he's wearin' a shirt. He looks good. My assumption is, that the Japanese words on the right mean 'Crash'..right? ^_^ WELL DONE!! Drawing Crash on the comp. is impossible for me, but not for CrystalBandicoot!! EXCELLENT JOB!! :D :D

Here's one of my centerpiece pics. It was awfully nice of Crystal to draw me! :D Hee hee...I don't know what I am laughing at, but I sure am happy! Aren't I always? ^_^ GREAT JOB!! This was an awesome B-Day pic Crystal. One of the best presents I recieved. You are a true artist!! :D Splendid!!! must have been ahrd drawing goku on the comp. But not for Crystal it isn't.

More awesome art on the way from this true CC artist. :D