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This here is Kiorie's awesome artwork!!! WHOA!!!! They now have arrived..and I am honored and thrilled to have the artwork of this talented artist here in the archive! Enjoy her fabulous art!


Introducing; kiorie's first evil char....ALADAR!!! And don't think cause he's short that he can't fight. Oh no; you then underestimate him. >:) Aladar is an evil Tazmanian Devil who can spin just as well as Crash. But like most of Crash's enemies; he is extremely evil; and very destrcutive. for all you DBZ fans; think of Garlic Jr. when you think of this guy; but maybe, in a way; Aladar is twice as evil as Garlic. GREAT PIC KIORIE!!! Aladar looks real BAD-OSS!! --__--


NOW you will be able to see what Kiorie's most infamous char looks like. Crimson Collie; now from the talented work of Kiorie; ahs been revealed. and what a fine looking collie she is! :D Crimson caries a amgic spear with her whereever she goes; and is generally, a very well skilled fighter. She's basically red; especially her hair, and almost always wears a metal breastplate. Crimson is among ym favorite char of Kiorie's. EXCELLENT work Kiorie. Crimson looks VERy dazzling. Kiorie would also like to thank all those who particpated in the Crimson Drawing contest; EVERYONE did great! :D

YIKES!!! It's an evil Kiorie! O.O Looks like Kiorie's dark side has been released, and it ain't pretty. (Hmmm..whateve rhappened to the nice Kiorie I knew? J/K ) Oh well, be glad she isn't like this in real life! :/ GREAT Pic Kiorie! Thanks for allowing me to post it! :D

Look at this! :D Kiorie did a neat pic of her dingo char, Darwin. as you know, dingo mania has been spreading around Crashcorner. but none of them are as opular as the great Danni and Darwin themselves! Darwin is looking handsome as ever, but either he's sweating or crying; I'm not sure. :/'s a great pic Kiorie! Brilliant artwork! :D

NOW..I finally have a real look at what a NidoPrincess is. Apparently, it is a water leviathan of some sort. It looks like some sort of species of Pokemon! (Perhaps the princess of that certain species or something.) I forget the name, but I REALLY like this pic. It's a great pic Kiorie, you should be proud. I am most certain it is a Pokemon! EXCELLENT work my friend! =)

Here's a pic of Kiorie as a Ferimale. Hmm..a Ferimale..what's that? Oh well...this is a great pic. Nice anime qualities here! Kiorie certainly looks good as a Ferimale cat thing.

Kiorie did a great job drawing one of my bad guy chars..Lestamos. Lestamos looks way too cute to be evil. It's a great pic. Thanks Kiorie. You made Lestamos really cute! :D

Yet another char Korie drew for me! ^_^ And it's Shen Lo Ken. Hmmm..very impressive on how you drew him Kiorie. He looks great. couldn't have drawn him better. Thanks a lot! I appreciate you drawing my chars! :D

A Sen sHuu Polar Cat I believe. This is anothe cute pic of Kiorie's. She's very talented at her art. This is a great pic of Sen Shuu. Thank you for your wonderful art Kiorie. Sen Shuu looks awesome! :D


Yet more brilliant art from Kiorie..the NidoPrincess herself. ^_^ Here..she drew a pic of Angel, one of Twister's awesome horse chars. Man, the way Kiorie can draw everyone's chars astounds me!! :D She's very talented indeed. Look how well she drew Angel the Unicorn. WELL DONE!!! Angel looks VERY cool here! ;)

Check it out! Kiorie drew a battle scene! It's two collies in a REAL dog fight! O.O The evil Quicksilver versus the warrior princess, Crimson. Both collies square off agaisnt each other. Quicksilver with her sharp staff, and Crimson with her long spear. Both dogs are in a fight and it is uncertain who will win. Another awesome pic Kiorie! I like the way you drew Quickilver..and I now know what Crimson looks like!

Lookey here! :D Kiorie drew another pic of my chars! How cool!!! It's those two mischieveous ferrets, Brutus and Spartacus. Spartacus is on the left, and Brutus is the one on the right balancing the dagger on his finger. Both ferrets are filthy thieves as you know, but they are pretty comical. BTW: GREAT pic Kiorie. I love how you draw my chars. You make them look REALLY awesome!! THANKS SO MUCH!! :D :D

WOW!! This pic is incredible. It's all three of Demona's bodygaurds against Crimson. This one is my favorite pic so far. It's Lestamos, Masmaune, and Quicksilver...agaisnt the warrior princess Crimson. This is such a great pic. You ruly are a magnificent artist Kiorie! I REALLY love this pic. And now that I know what Crimson looks like, it'll give me a better vision of Kiorie's magnificent stories. THANKS A BUNCH KIORIE!! :D :D :D