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More of Kiorie's Kawaii Art

Here is Kiorie's second page of her awesome, and really kawaii, art. She's really talented as you can tell, and you will find how these pics she did are really valuable. Some are pretty recent; but all of them are cool and creative! Check em out! :D

Kiorie's art is linked. Press on the descriptions to view her art! :D

PIC#1: CRASH AND COCO - Check it out; Kiorie drew a pic of Crah and his sis Coco. Crash is givin' the peace sign, whilst Coco wonders why he is doing that. ^__^ Good work Kiorie. This is the first time I have seen Kiorie draw Crash and coco free-hand. Excellent. They look really awesome with the way kiorie draws them. Excellent work. I really would like to see more of Kiorie's drawings of Crash and Coco. With the way she draws them, you can tell I would like to see more.

PIC#2: DYLAN DINGOCAT - WOW!! This is awesome! look at what kiorie drew for me. :D It's dylan Dingocat; looking as good as always! I liek how well done he looks! I love kiorie's unique art abilities, and dylan here is no exception! :D Great job kiorie! I REALLy like that grin yuo gave him! ^__^

PIC#3: DYLAN AND SYLVIA - Now here's a really exceleltn pic doen by the talented ferimale herself, kiorie. It wwas inspired from another creation by me and Twister. It's Dylan and Sylvia, the happy couple. ;) And look how they look together. cute huh? ;) I really liek how she did this. There';s Dylan's cool grin again. ;) And sylvia's looking really loevely! Thanks kiorie! I LOVE this pic!! :D :D

PIC#4: DARWIN - once again, everyone's favorite guy char by kiorie is here! and this time, he's wearing some sporting clothes. i gotta dmit; Darwin looks really cool in clothes! :D This is such a great pic Kiorie! I cna really se how you progress at your drawings. ;) I like Darwin with clothes on. He seems to ahve more character that way. ;) GREAT JOB!! :D

PIC#5: DARWIN MOODS - The many expressions of Darwin are presented in this pic. You cna see that such an interesting character such as Darwin ahs alotta great expressions to show! :D I like the first one, with the big ol' grin. Everyt ime a char grins, it shows their character no doubt! :D Great Darwin sketches kiorie! And nice qwuotes with them as well. you're very creative indeed! :D

PIC#6: BASH - Well look here! Kiorie decides to draw lil' Bash, another popular creation of Saskia! :D and i msut say, Kiorie drew the lil' rascal quite well! ;) and look; he's holding a pic of his favorite girl in his life; Tawna. ;) As you can see, Bash loves Tawna a lot. Tawna's a pretty good mother as well! EXCELELNT work kiorie! This truely is soemthing me and Sas are proud of. ;)

PIC#7: GABRIELLE & SUCCUBUS - ALRIGHT!! Now this is an excellent pic here! The ever so wodnerfulKiorie drew two of my evil female minions from 'Demoanrc's Wrath'. Gabrielle (the angel fox); and the Succubus (the devil like winged bandicoot girl). LOOK AT IT!! I AM AMAZED!! I truly am!! ;) She certainyl made both fo them evil, and sexy. ;) look at hoe evil Succubus looks! and look how innocent Gabrielle looks; despite the fact she's evil. ;) This is ruly oen fo kiorie's best works! :D I like how she amde the two msot evil girls in ym fic! wait a go kiorie! You are a true artist alright! :D

PIC#8: MARLENE - introducing; Shen's girlfriend. it';s the ever so lovely Marlene. This ehad shot of her captures her cuteness and beauty! ;) It also shows kiorie's true talent of making people's chars look excellent! :D I like howshe's winking at ya! Excellent work kiorie! this is truley a great pic of Marlene! ;)

PIC#9: SHEN AND MARLENE - HOO HOO!! Now I REALLy like this pic! it's Shen and Marlene, walkin' side by side together! ;) This si such a great pic! i am speechless on how well kiorie drew Shen and malrene! this tow are bound to widn up together now doubt. ;) Great job kiorie! thi is truly a GREAT pic! :D

PIC#10: THE DATE - Wow!!! how'd a thought kiorie liekd me! ^__^ i'm flatterred! here's a pic she drew especially for the two of us! It's me sittign right next to the ferimale version of kiorie! :D and she's got a heart in her hand! heh heh; look at the expression on my face! Cute!! ^__^ This si a great pic kiorie; it truly is! I never expected such a romantic pic between two members liek this. Welld one! ^__^ This si one pic that surprised me quite pleasantly! Hee hee! ^___^

PIC#11: DEMONARC - COOL!! This is one heckuva pic here! It's a face shot of Demonarc! and enxt to it, is a really cool poem type description of this evild emon's plans. He truly is evil; and kiorie does a better job at shwoing it than me. ;) Well doen Kiorie! I beleive i'm gonna make this the title page for my 'Demonarc's Wrath' story. ;) It's just TOO good to make it that way. :D

PIC#12: SUCCUBUS - Yep; an early drawing of kiorie's rendering of the Succubus. i msut say; it's still very impressive onh ow she amde her so beautifula nd dnagerous! The Succubus is the evil demon seducer of amny men. I'll shwo that later! but for now; I am enjoying this pic of Kiorie's rendering of Succubus! :D it tuly is insiprational! :D

PIC#13: DINGOCOOT KIDS - uh oh! :O Look what popped out oft he twisted mind of kiorie! yep; heres a simple question. What if Darwin and Danni were married and had kids? answer; they'd have these two. a girl named Dayla, and a boy named Codi. As you can see; Crash looks a bit confused, and Danni looks paniced! Darwin doesn't seem to mind at all. He amde a rather funny joek about it too! ^__^ Nice work here kiorie! you certainly have a cool and twisted imagination1 ^__^

PIC#14: RAVE - Here's a new addition to kiorie's imaginative char collection. It's Rave, the new female char of kiorie. She's a kind of dingo dinosaut mix. According to kiorie, Darwin and Rave seem to have a type of love affair! Heh; looks like Darwin found soemone after all. ;) I like this sketch kioire! I cna see you truly payed attention to detail here! ;) NICE JOB!! :D