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This archive of mine holds all my pics that aren't related to my Crashcorner chars or anyone else's. This holds pictures I either drew as practice or just for fun. :-) Some of these pictures here are based of actual chars from either video games or cartoons. I enjoy drawing furry critters as you can see. I mainly like to give them humanoid qualities; cause it appeals to me greatly. So anyones; hope some people enjoy looking at my random pictures I drew. (I only put in my favorites.)

This is a picture I did for my friend online; Cherie. It's her character from her fan fiction based on an old cartoon called 'The Raccoons'. (Anyone remember that?) Anyways, this picture is dedicated to her char; Thomas. Thomas is a little raccoon boy who was adopted by the somewhat sinister pink aardvark, Cyril Sneer. But this little hellion enjoys making Sneer's life Hell with all the pranks he pulls on him. It can be anything; and the little kid can trash Sneer's mansion like no tommorrow. He's got some reasons for this, of what I'm not sure. :-p But hey; I decided to draw the little rascal himself. Thomas is (c) to Cherie.

Now this green guy here is the famous DragonBall Z villain; Cell. He's my favorite DBZ villain outta the whole series. In the site's earlier years; he was a centerpiece on the front page. Now I moved him here into the 'Miscellaneous Pictures' file. This features all three of Cell's form. The center pic is his final; and coolest form. (not to mention most powerful.) On the left is his first form; in which he was pretty weak; but still cool looking. And on the right is my least favorite; his fat froggy self which is his second form. Cell's just a cool DBZ char; who as many know, was killed by SSJ Gohan in DBZ. Cell is just too cool for words.

For CrystalBandicoot; I drew her favorite robot; TOM from Toonami. Him being the little popular robot he was. This really was his first form. (Before he dissappeared and was replaced by TOM 2.) So this was also in my earlier years; back when my water color pencils were my main primer. Anyways; it's just a little picture I did; it's pretty cool actually. TOM's a cool robot; and in the background is his ship. Pretty plain;' but still a neat little pic done by me.

This here's an early attempt at drawing anime. It's an anime cat girl; with different anime facial expressions. I enjoyed drawing this; seeing how it was good practice for my anime skills. Not to mention it's practice for my FURRY anime drawings. I like the expressions on this cat girl here. Early practice at a style I adopted from an Anime Art class I took over the summer. Learned quite a lot from that great class. :-D

Based on one of my favorite cartoon shows; and recent one. 'Samurai Jack' is really a neat cartoon; starring a cool hero and cool villain. Samurai Jack is one helluva samurai; and he's so bad ass with his cool samurai sword and all. Man, can this guy fight!! :D Now to the villain; who's a black shape-shifting wizard named Aku. (Japanese for ';Evil'.) He can shape shift into weird animals; such as the ones I drew here. (such as a bat, scorpion, or ram.) His facial expressions are really cool and funny at the same time. Not e how Jack has alotta action besides his center stare. He's also riding his horse. I like 'Samurai Jack' and this drawing; it's a neat sketch and cartoon!!

This is based on one of my favorite video game series of all time; 'CastleVania'. Only this time; Imade almost every vampire hunter, Dracula, and some minions into cats. They're dressed up as the characters; and their original CastleVania names are right beside them. I like how I drew the vampire hunters. (especially Alucard, Nathan, and the others.) They're from every CastleVania game I played. And this is another computer piccie I did from Photoshoppe. I really like this one; and the cat idea was influenced from a site based on 'Anime chars as cats.' So this time; it's 'Video Game chars as cats.'

An earlier comp pic I did, based on characters from a little game called 'Tail Concerto.' They feature anime like cats and dogs; which is why I like it. Neat characters and all. The character on the far left is a brown cat girl named Alicia. (She's dressed as Ryoko from Tenchi.) Beside her is Waffle (Dressed as Tenchi.) And right by Waffle is Princess Teria (dressed as Princess Aeika from Tenchi.) Then, on the bottom is Panta (the short dog dressed as Krillin from DBZ.) Giving the peace sign witht he yellow hair, is Cyan (As Vash from 'Trigun.') And the little energetic cat girl in the schoolgirl outfit is Flare. (Dressed as Sakura from Street Fighter.) And finally, on the far right is Stare. (Dressed as Fuijin from Final Fantasy 8.) Quite a really detailed pic I did. It's the Tail Concerto gang at the Anime Expo BTW.