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N. Gin's Spectacular Art Archive

Here's N. Gin's archive of truly wonderful art. N. Gin is argueablly, one of the best artists at CC. :-) His art is truly great, and he truly has a knack for talent. Take a look at his art and you'll probably agree that N. Gin is really great artist! Look, and you won't be dissapointed. ;)

Here's N. Gin's drawing of everyone's favorite Crash Bandicoot psycho; Ripper Roo! Wow, look at this. It really captures the likeness of ol' Ripper himself! :-) Told ya N. Gin was a great artist. This proves it. and this is one fo his earliest works. Ripper Roo is lookin' so crazy as usual. ;-) There he is, hopping mad. ^_^ Great pic of Ripper N. Gin. Truly great!! :-D

Here's a dramatic scene between N. Gin and Crash. I'm pretty sure this is N. Gin's nightmare, when being confronted with Crash. Well Crash does seem pissed. O.O Watch out N. Gin. ;-) This scene really shows true action and drama. This is really a great work of art. I love the interaction between N. Gin and Crash. This is a great scene drawn by the talented N. Gin himself. :-D

Now this is really cute. ;) Coco Bandicoot, as an angel. Well it does match her personality. Coco is probably a real angel. ;-) Those wings really look great. :-D And Coco looks so sweet and innocent like that. Coco really makes a lovely angel. Great work here N. Gin. You never cease to please us. :-)