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Yet another artist has emerged among the ranks of a talented artist at CRashcorner. And lookingat this, you can defeinitely tell what a talented artist she is; and it really has impressed me as well as the other members at Crashcorner to see such talented work here. She is truly a great Crash artist, and I am honored to have such awesome artwork of hers up here!! Check it out, and you'll be very amazed. ;)

This is the first picture I saw drawn from N. Gina. And best of all, it was my main char, Shen Lo Ken. ^__^ I've always loved this pic of him; I really do. ^__^ This dramatic pose really shows what a serious fighter he is. I like the lighting and background effect for this pic. It's really cool. ^__^ I'm very honored to see N. Gina draw my character like this; it looks REALLY REALLY cool. :D :D Shen Lo Ken as better as ever here. And not only does he look awesome, the background looks equally as good. ^__^ Thanks so much N. Gina. :D :D

Now we get into Crash Bandicoot pictures. This is a head shot of Crash himself. It's done in Chibi version; thus bringing the cuteness factor up a notch. ;) It looks really cool; I am a big fan of anime and chibi. And when it's of Crash, makes it really extra cool!! :) This is a really cute and cool headshot of Crash's head done by the talented N. Gina. Keep up the good work N. Gina. :D

Now onto Coco Bandicoot. This is very cool in what you see. A cute dynamic pose of Coco Bandicoot. This is truly amazing, and truly awesome pose for her; and the technique N. Gina used to create ehr this way is truly cool in its own way. I truly am impressed how N. Gina captured the cuteness and character of Coco herself. I really like this, it's one of my favorites. It may very well be one of yours as well when you glance at it. Very cool job with Coco N. Gina. :D

This is one of the first pieces of Crunch fan art I've seen. It also has a mutlitude of other familair chars like Dingodile, Tiny, and N. Gin in it. And on Crunch's shoulder is Dr. Neo Cortex himself. This is a really cool detailed pic; I'm really impressed with it. (Originally, N. Gina's main idea for this was homosexual type pic. It doesn't really appear that way, but either way, it's still a very good picture! Nicely done!) It's a verey cool pic, with the anime versions of msot of the famous Crash villains. Very impressive N. Gina. Your artwork is always so fascinating and awesome. Keep up the real good work. Oh yeah, some of you can see the love here I'm sure. :-p LOL on Dingodile holding the candles like that. :-p

N. Gina's Adult Art (Click Here.)