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Here are all the movie posters so far..and are done by assorted artists..mostly Shazi!! These are really cool..and I felt that they needed a seperate catergory to be posted up in!!! I know there's more coming send em' over..and they will enter the Fan Fic Movie Poster Archive!


LEGEND OF LIONESS BANDICOOT fan fic poster - (This si the only fan fic movie poster linked.) Here is a fan fic poster of Lioness Bandicoot's awesome fan fic, 'Legend of Lioness Bandicoot'. This was a really was a really cool fan fic done by a cool girl, Lionness Bandicoot. This is such a cool poster. :-D Look at the detail Lionness did on it. GREAT affects on the poster there Lionnes. :D There's a piccie of Lionnes Cougar Stormy did for Lionees ont he left. And there's Crash and Coco co-starring on the right. WOW! This si really a breath-taking poster. :) Well done Lionness. :-D This is so cool. :D

NEW!!! LIONESS BANDICOOT. Yet another magnificent work done by Lionness Bandicoot herself. :) Starring the famous of her chars, Lioness Bandicoot, and Lioness's vidoe game idol, Crahs Bandicoot himself. ;) and along with other favorites, like Danni, Yarra, Cody, Darwin, and so forth. and in the center..are two particarly nasty characters. Ermine and Maris. What looks like Danni and Crash at first sight appears to be the evil version of the two. As you can see, they're very nasty villians indeed. This looks like it promsies to be another great classic done by Lionness Bandicoot herself. MAGNIFICENT work ehrEL ioness. :) Another great masterpiece done by you. I love it. ^_^


Here's the first fan fic movie poster I've seen from the talented N. Gin. It's based on his 'Unreal' fan fic. Look at the action here. How cool. ^___^ Action apcked scene here. Heh, Coco looks really buff here. And there's N. Gin, shooting those scary looking alien things. :-D This psoter is beyond awesome!! ^__^ Great work here N. Gin. This is so cool. I love it. ^___^ Great action scene here. :-)


Yet another masterpiece done by the talented Rexy herself!! ^__^ It's another fan fic movie poster; for the new Rex fan fic 'Don't Call me Baby'. In the pic, you can see Travis and his soul mate, Carla. ;) A very romantic type poster, kinda like the 'Titanic' poster. ;) Wonderful background underneath, and Carla and Travis's faces are really great!! ^__^ This is a wonderful poster based on a great fic by Rexy. :) Great work as always Rexy!! You're great!! ^__^

Here's another fan fic movie poster from the talented T Rex herself. :) It's for 'Revenge of the Cerulean Wizard', and does it look cool. :D Look at those flame sint he abckground. Really gives the affect don't it. ^_~ not to mentiont he eldge our heroes, Crasj, coco, Cortex, dingodile, and boron are stending on. This really makes this one of Rexy's coolest poster's yet. :) What a great and remarkable poster Rexy. This si so AWESOME!!! Keep it up. :)

COOL!! It looks liek T Rex jsut did an awesome art psoter for her fabulpous fic; 'Schoolhouse rock'. ont he raft is Cortex, Boron,Snappy, and Brio! And look at the excellent detail of the abckgrounds! VERY nice dimensioning there Rex! I like the feelign of adventure in thsi pic; in which travelign down a river through the city is exciting enough for me! This si indeed a momunmental effort by the great T Rex. GREAt work T Rex! i liek yer style of fan fic psoter here!! keep ti up1 ;D;D

WOW!!! This si the newest addition to my Fan Fic Poster gallery. Done by none other than the wonderful and talented Shazi. :D I REALLy love this poster. Check it out! There's three androids here. (Magma Dragoon, Neon Tiger, and Slash Beast). Then there's the main characters of 'The android Miniseries'. My heart sweels with pride as i look at this great fan fic movie poster. Thanks a BILLION Shazi for this wonderful fan fic poster of The Android miniseries.

Here it is..poster for Speed Trap!!! Starring Speedra and Danni!!! These two are about to race to see who is the fastest!! Who will win!? I don't know who to bet on! Probably Danni!! :D

Not a movie poster..but a scene from a fan fic!! 'Danni meets Darwin'!! Darwin meets Crash..and it aint' pretty!! These two are fighting over the fair Danni Dingo!! Dude..Darwin looks a hell of a lot taller!!! Great pic done by Shazi for Kiorie!! Danni looks a lot younger here or some reason!!

My poster..done for Crashcrazed's 'Crocidile Tears'! This is Dingodile..a bit embarassed after howling to the moon and then coughing! Note: There's one thign wrong her as most of the die-hard fans pointed out! Danni is shorter than Dingodiel!! They're about mid-hieght here! Oh well..I'm proud of this pic!! i think I draw a pretty nice Danni!