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Welcome to T Rex's archive. She is a close friend of mine, and a very dedicated reader to my fics. ^_^ She's wonderful, and so is her art. Check out what she has so far. It's good! :D


Here's a recent pic of Rexy's of an ancient Sea monster from Greek Mythology known as Cetus. Some may know Cetus as the monster who was turned to stone by Medusa's head. ;-) rexy has truly made well with that myth in her stories, and i personally am a big sea monster fan. Cetus looks really cool with his mutli-colored scales. Nice job here Rexy. BTW: this sin't the last Greek mythological monster Rexy drew. ;)


Here's another Greek monster Rexy drew, which I'm sure all of you are VERy familair with. ^_~ Yep, it's Medusa alright. And Rexy's done quite a job with her. Medusa looks not only cooler, but scarier than ever. ^_^ This Rexified version of Medusa is among the coolest yet. and she unfortunately turns rexy's char Ryane into stone, like most gorgons do. :-/ But this si really cool. Nice work here on Medusa Rexy. You've really capture her ferocity.


From Rexy's fic 'Star Maker', comes one of the signs from the skies herself. Yep, this is Virgo, as many of you amy recognize in your local horoscope. ;) virgo is very pretty and young here as you cna see, and quite helpful too. Rexy did an excellent job on capturing the way the sign of Virgpo looks quite well here. Nice job here Rexy. This looks awesome. :

CUTE!! Here's a new version of monnika liek ya never seen before. The Chibi version; which turns out to be a very cute version of Monnika indeed. ;) It's all aprt of my 'Animal isntincts' Chibi mini game plan. And Monnika amkes an excellent and cute addition! This is really cool Rex. Thanks so much for this chibi pic of monnika!

As aprt of YCrash's 'Levant Crash' RPG, Rexy here, added a new char tot he mix. it's Eddy, protector and spiritual fighter of the Godo forest. although his name amy seem ordinary, his power certainyl isn't. it is said, that fi angered, he will release powerful forces that mean certain destruction. so don't piss him off, okay? ;) Really cool Rexy! I liek the meditation pose Eddy's in.

Meet Teejay, the star of the new fic by Rexy; 'Star Maker'. And eh just happens to be tiko's son. Unbelievable eh? Well her'es oemthin' else mates; he's stronger, and evem fights on Crash's side. He's quite good with a sword too ya know. Reasons are becoming a bit clearer on why he chooses to fight on Crash's side; but i'm enarly certain that there amy be a big duel between father and son later! GREAT WORK REX! TEEJAY ROCKS!!:D

Ladies and gents..put your handss together for a new and strong addition to the Cerulean Wizard saga. Meet Ryane, a super strong and sassy platypus girl. :D Man is she strong. If you ever read 'The Four seasons' by Rex, you 'll see just how strong and cool this girl is. Man she's cool She's even Super saiyan related almost. :D This is true work from the ever so talented Rexy! :D Great job Rex. Ryane is way too cool. :D

introducing, another char of Rex's that you can only find EXCLUSIVELY at YCrash13's ezboard. Her name is Maria, and she is part of the manificent RPG, 'Leviant Crash'. (If only ym lousy computer would elt me get in there. >:( ) but at any rate, you can see Maria right here. She is Rex's char for this RPG, and owner of Myotaron. That staff she's holding holds magical powers no doubt that come in handy when there is danger, or she's out minion hunting. Again, more brilliance fom none other than the talented T Rex. :D

Now here's something you don't see every day. Cortex riding Boron. (Don't take it that way. >.<) It appears that Cortex is riding Boron in soem kind of rodeo of soem sort. BTW: boron's a wolverine jsut to let ya know. Boron's also a cool character. The way he acts out stuff is both funny and clever. These two are an excellent pair, and Boron is both helpful and comedic. Nice work as a lways Rex. This pic rocks. :D :D

And you thought Snappy's legend wouldn't live on? HA!! Wrongo. Here's the next generation of Snappy's legacy. His name is Midget, snappy's boy. Midget's got some cool moves, and he really does take after his dad. He's ambitious, courageous, and very friendly...just like his dear old dad was. I like this little guy so far. You can catch him in 'Tiko's Black Magic'; a wonderful fic created by the talented T Rex herself. Midget is so cool. He really is. :D


Lookkie here. :D It's T Rex's little minion, Myotatron. She is Rex's minion from YCrash13's 'Levant Crash' RPG. He's sort of a unique combo. He is a chocobo/jellyfish/kangaroo/echidna hybrid. Weird, but cool. :D And he's got these real neat moves. He has a stingray tail, a Roast slam attack, Spike Roll, and Southern Light Beams. (Similar to DBZ). This is a cool char T Rex. You've got quite an imagination. Excellente. :D :D

A new char of T Rex's. Meet Monika, the snow fox. She has special powers, which can enable her to freeze her opponents with ice magic. Now ain't that somethin'? ;) And, in my opinion, she's a pretty fox lady. She sounds like a real cool char too. Check her out in 'Tiko's Bleak magic', where she helps Crash and the game to try and save Christmas from the evil Tiko. I love this pic Rex. Keep it up. :)

Here's T Rex's new pic. It's Trigger, a tortishell cat from New Mexico. This cowboy cat appeared in T Rex's new and cool fic; 'SchoolHouse Rock'. He was in a costume contest, when Cortex was a kid. Imagine that! O.O The whole stroy's great, as well as this pic. Trigger looks awesome T Rex!! :D GOOD WORK!! :D :D :D

Meet Snappy; T Rex's new char from her new story 'SchoolHouse Rock'; which is going VERY well so far! :D Snappy is an old friend of Cortex's; when Cortex was just a kid. He rescued Cortex from disaster, and became a good friend of his. He kinda sounds like Stone Cold Steve Austin. Excellent work T Rex. I do enjoy having your artwork here! Keep up the good work. This is the first animal drawing I've seen from T Rex. I like it!! :D

Here he is..the Cerulean Wizard himself..Tiko. As the prime baddie in the story, 'The Cerulean Wizard', Tiko is head in command of the main evil force. He wears a huge red cape, and carries a large gun with him, so you can see how this guy became the leader. ^_^ Great work T Rex. I finally know what the Cerulean Wizard looks like. Hmm...looks like he's a real tough guy to me. Great job T Rex. Keep up the good work! :D

Here's the main female baddy, Deksta Cortex. This among Rex's favorite characters. She strong and sexy. Being the main female bad guy, makes it a lot worse, seeing how she's got the same authority and strenght of the Cerulean Wizard. I gotta a gree with you Rex..she does look strong and sexy. Nice one T Rex! :D And I've read what this gal can do. Never underestimate her! Believe Crash and his friends! ;)

This here is Lio, commonly known as the 'PinkEye Fiend'. ^_^ Lio's another crep who's been spreadin' pinkeye in 'The Cerulean Wizard'. you can tell that anyway, cause his name says so. Also, his T-Shirt says 'Let's get Physical', which probably means he stays in shape a lot. gotta in order to get that pinkeye goin'. ^_^ Great work T Rex. I really like the way you drew your Cerulean Wizard chars. They look real awesome! :D

Here's Private Boron, who appears to be a purple panda hybrid with a REAL long tongue. Boron's been a bad guy in episode's 14 and 15 of 'The Cerulean Wizard', but later he becomes good. As a private, he's takin' direct orders from Tiko to atack Crash and the others. have done VERY well T Rex. All of your chars from the 'Cerulean Wizard' are awesome so far! Keep up the good work my friend!! :D

Say hello to T Rex's evil bad guy char from 'The Celruen Wizard'. Her name is Hallie Cortex, a nasty girl with a nasty whip. Her whip can inflict mighty nasty stings, and she's a very evil little girl. Feeling neglected makes her even more dangerous. She also has a voice like Chun Li. ^_^ Great artwork T Rex. I hope to see more of it here. You show lots of promise!! :D