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More of T Rex's Artwork

More of T Rex's art is now being put up on display in her second archive jsut for her. ;) I'm sure you'll enjoy more of her lovely work that she herself ahs hand-drawn. Wodnerful ain't it. ;) Take a look around and enjoy more of her art. ^_~


One of Rexy's newest, and coolest charas..say hello to Sui do Ken. ;) Ken, Ken..ah yes, you all know that name right? She is the descendant of Shen Lo Ken, one of many, who goes through the same training as msot fot eh decendants of the Ken family have. Like some Kens, she can eb quite comical and mischievious, but i really do like that level of enjoyment. ^_^ She also won ehr black belt at age 3, making her in the Guiness Book of World od Records in 2081. Pretty cool huH? :-D This is a really cool girl Rexy came up with, descended fro my won Shen Lo Ken char. Great job Rexy. :D


Say hello to Copper Oxide..a descendant of..who else..Nitrous Oxide. ;) But sadly, she was the alst of the Gasmoxian race. :(. So with her new plan in mind, she is mroe than willing to not only save her race from being endangered, but also..quite common. :-P This started about the 4th melenium..which indicates that such events won't happen in YOUR lifetimes. ;-) but she was only six at the time he race went..phpt. Sad really. :-( But she does posess Psychic powers, which makes things much more better for her, and really comes in handy I'll bet. :) Once again, another great piece of work done by Rexy herself. Keep up the great work Rexy. :D


Now who's this cute char here? ;-) Ah's Daphne Dingo. (No relation to Danni Dingo..I believe. :-P) Anyways..Daphne is Rexy's other girl char..and aside from being a cute one..she's also very smart and strong. She ahs great thinking power..which comes in handy no doubt...and great physical pwoer too. When she puts ehr mind to stuff, as well as bronze, you can automatically tell how useful she can really be. ;) Another magnificent drawing by Rexy here, and a really appealing char as well. :) I'm so happy to be putting up Rexy's work proudly for all the ent to see .^_^


Yet another decendant of Nitrous Brio. His name si Madison Brio...and he is a leader fo an organization called the Star Katz team. He comes from the 3oth century, interesting ;-), and has a real knack for muscle and mechanics. :) I can tell right away how well suited he is at creating and building things with his mechanical genous. ;-) He also lieks palyign a mean game of Virtual BattleShip..sounds fun to play. :) But um..he really ahs not much to say. He's the quiet type. :-/ But at elast he does posess the pwoer to save people's lives, and his really handy too. Yet another cool char Rexy. :) She really does coem up with cool ones. ^_^


Rusty R1D8..or Banzai Jack as soem amy call him. Rusty is another cool looking char created by Rexy. He first started out as a malicious Flamar alien, hoping to destroy everyone in his path. Scary. O.O But in the year 2999, when he nearly destroyed Gasmoxia, he got caught in the blast. BOOYA!! But then our good ol' mechanic, Madison, built a robot outta him..and he is now Rusty R1D8. And eh provides himself with cool weapons..liek missiles, grenades, all the neat stuff. ^_^ Now eh serves for justice..however, because of his lsot memory..his future amy look pretty grim. O.O Very nice work as always Rexy. :) Rusty looks like a real cool robot here. :D

Introducing, Rexy's newest chara. ^__^ Carla. She's Crash's cousin,She is a bandicoot that originally lived in Barbados, and in "Don't Call Me Baby" she grew to be Travis's soulmate. She's also a great friend of Princess Violet, and is the holder of the Stone of Courage, which is on her necklace. She's voiced by LeAnn Rimes. Great piccie Rexy. :D Carla's very cool. ^__^ Nice job as always.

Here's Rexy's depiction of everyones favorite Saskia kid char, Bash. ^__^ As always, Bash looks really cool. Here he is, all smiles as always. ^__^ Rexy did a really nice job on creating her own depiction of Bash Bandicoot. (Oh, and in case soem fo you don't know, Bash is Tawna's son from Saskia's series. Great job on Bashy Rexy. ^__^ Great art as always.

Here's a picture of Rexy's recent char, Toby Tortoiseshell. This really cool cat adds as a colorful addition to Rexy's amazing and lovely collection of fan fic chars. I like his voice Rexy added for him too. He's a big help to Crash and the gang against Tiko and any other evil villian. Like his outfit too. What a cool char Rexy amde. i like Toby, because he's one cool char. Rexy's gotta good imagination. AWESOME work Rexy.! :)

Another colorful char by Rexy isDexta's double, Sara. Sara's another member of Crash's gang, that plot against Tiko and the other evil minions. Look at the nice shiny effect Rexy added to Sara's pink hair. VERY nice. :) Rexy certainly has gotten better with her art. Sara's a very lovely addition to Rexy's collection of female heorines. She ahs such a good imagination. Good work Rexy..keep it up. :D

Here's the next member of the Tortoiseshell brothers, Travis Tortoiseshell. He really looks cool don't he? ;) Nice skateboarder as you can see. Nice red sweater too. As always, Rexy never fails to create more new and cool characters. Travis is another example. I jsut think he looks too cool for words. :-) Wonderful work Rexy. You're really good at chars.

And most of you sometiems thought boron could never get a girl. Welp, he did. ^_~ And here she is..Violet. Violet's a pretty young wolverine girl, and Boron has taken to her. She is a lovely wolverine alright. ^_~ And she's got nice hair. What a lucky wolverine Boron is. Having a girlfriend like this is pretty neat. Good work Rexy. Violet is a very lovely girl for Boron. Love it Rexy. ^__^