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MINOR WARNING - Some of Jim's art is a bit revealing, but nothing's more on the PG-13 level.

Jim is a great guy. He's friend of mine on the VCl and side7 archives. and he drew a few Crash pics for me. He's got real talent.Check out how well he draws. Take a look.

Check it's a 'Crashenova'! He's at the PlayBoy mansion with the CTR girls. ^_^ the real lady's bandicoot no doubt. Jim did a great job on the CTR girls, and he did one helluva a job on Crash. He's a real great artist. I like this pic alot. THANKS JIM!! :D

Jim did another CTR girl..the one with blue hair. She's in a clad PlayBoy bunny outfit. O.O Hee hee..nice one Jim! I really do admire this guy's artwork. You should check out his archives at side7 and VCl. He's a real talented artist, and witht he way he drew the CTR girls and Crash...I'm very impressed indeed!


Yet another great pic from Jim Russo, and it's another pinup of those fabulous CTR girls. This one sure looks sexy. ^_^ It's the CTR girl with black hair. I REALLY liked this pic. Good work Jim!! :D You're th best drawing these man! =)

For Jim's Mature art, Click Here. (Only if you're 18, and cool with nudes)

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