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More of Jim Russo's Art

Here is Jim's more mature art. This art does contain nudity, so I advise those who do not like nudity to leave this part of his page immediately. I have linked the pics below, so those who wish to see them can click on them. Remember, click on the pics ONLY, if you are not offended by nudity, and you are perfectly okay with nude parodies of normal Crash chars. It's all clean fun. Plus...if you're under 18, leave this immediately. If you're cool with nudity, go ahead and take a peek.

Enjoy Jim's art. He's a cool artist as a lot of you know. He sent me alotta cool bandicoot girl pics. Check out a few of his mature pics down below.

Jim's Mature Art (Must be 18 to view)

Pic#1-CLICK HERE!!! Coco Changing Clothes

Coco Bandicoot changing her clothes. A real sexy pic of her right here from the very talented Jim Russo. Thanks Jim :D He sure made Coco look cute. A VERY hot pic indeed. :D

Pic#2-CLICK HERE!!! Coco caught off Gaurd

Here is another cool pic Jim drew for me. It's Coco changing again; but this time, she's not alone. Her brother, Crash, just happened to burst in there, at the VERY wrong time. O.O poor Coco. She literally got caught with her pants down. ^_^ Talk about embarassing when a sibling of yours sees you undressing. :/ Thanks Jim. This picture was great!! You are a VERy talented artist! EXCELLENT WORK!! :D

Pic#3-CLICK HERE!!! Coco Pose

Hey. would ya look at this? Didn't know coco enjoyed showin off to us. ^_^ Here's Coco, with a warm smile, in a sidelying position. Her shirt's on, but her pants are off. so are her panties. O.O Naughty girl! ^_^ This is another great work done by the one and only, Jim Russo. thanks jim. This pic is awesome! :D

Pic#4-CLICK HERE!!! Nude Lestamos

Whoo hoo! Even Lestamos is getting into the act. This was a Christmas gift given to me from my pal Jim! thanks jim. Lestamos is only wearing a Santa Hat. SEXY!!! Lestamos looks great without her clothes on. VERY hot indeed. ^__^ Thanks jim. you're the greatest! :D

Pic#5-CLICK HERE!!! Coco and CTR Gal

GULP!!! O.O Looks like coco jsut found a new friend!! A CTR girl! (The dark haired one). And they're aquainted with each other. Eh heh eh...those two are obviously testing out each other's reactions. (NOTE: Coco DOESN'T actually do this.) This was jsut good fun. Me and Jim don't mean any harm to women. ^_^ (that goes for the rest of his pics.) Thanx Jim. This has to be your naughtiest pic of Coco yet. Steamy!! :)

NEW!!! Pic#6-CLICK HERE!!! Lestamos Nude Sketch

HEY!! Check it out! It's another sketch of Lestamos. It's the sexy leopard again1 ;) And she looks cute and hot as always! :D Yeah Lestamos!! :D : Thanks jim, this si a good sketch of Lestamos! :D :D She looks really cute. :D