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Saskia's VERY Cool Art archive

Hi. Welcome to Saskia's Art Archive. Saskia is the new artist in town, and by far, among the top five best artists from CC! :) She's got real talent as you can see right here. i'm very honored to have her work posted up on my site. Make sure to take a look at this talented, and lovely girl's drawings. i'm sure you will find them worth something. Enjoy Saskia's VERY cool art archive. :D :D

Pic #1: Tawna

Here's one of Saskia's first pics of Tawna. As you can see, this is very well done. i'm very proud of Saskia for making this magnificent drawing of a long forgotten Crash char. And Saskia's stories about Tawna, really make you sympathize for her instead of hate her. Sskia's very talented in the art and fan fic department. And this marvelous drawing of Tawna proves it. Excellent job. This Tawna pic is beyond cool. :D :D

Pic #2: Kiana

Kiana is a cool char created by the one and only, Saskia. kiana is Tawna's best friend, and helps ehr out when Tawna's in trouble. Kiana is also a lovely kangaroo who sympathizes for Tawna as well. She seems like a good friend to have. And i love the way Saskia drew Kiana. This is VERY cool. :D As always Saskia, your artowrk is tops. ;)

Pic #3: Bash

Here he is, Tawna's cute son, Bash. Bash is also Crash's son, but he lives with Tawna instead of Crash, after soem sort of incident. But he sure si cute none-the less. He does look very similar to his father. Bash is also Saskia's char, in her excellent work known as 'The Story of Tawna'. I love this drawing Saskia. Yuor talent never ceases to amaze me.

Pic #4: Tawna and Bash

Here they are together, mother and son. Tawna loves her little Bash. She would do anythign to assure him a happy and successful life. And as you can see, they both love each other very much. Too bad Crash isn't around. As always, your artowrk astounds me Saskia. you've got true talent, no doubt about it. ;)

Pic #5: Crystal Bandicoot

Yep, you bet ya. Saskia drew a pic of our beloved Crystal Bandicoot. And does she look pretty. Saskia did a real great job on this pic. Crystal is looking cute in this here pic. Notice how Saskia gave Crystal a pink crystal on her shirt, to go with her name no doubt. The talent never runs out for Saskia, that's for certain. I am enjoying her work. Keep it up Saskia. :D

Pic #6: Tawna in a Bikini

Hee hee *blushing*. look at Tawna here. Doesn't she look sexy in that purple bikini of hers? No? Hmph. I think she does. Admitedly, this was a request from me to Saskia to draw Tawna in a bikini. (I know..I'm a bad boy.^__^) But Saskia did a great coloring job on it, and i'm VERy pleased with the way it turned out. :D Sides, this whole picture is about Tawna's beauty. and she is ebautiful, and innocent. thanks Saskia. you did a great job on this pic. Love ya babe. This pic rocks.