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HI! Welcoem to Saski'a 2nd Archive. Isn't she such a talented artist? I ahve alotta pics here to prove it! i set up her second arhcive for allt he world to enoy!! ;) enjoy as you can see mroe of this fabulous artist's art. not to mention; Saskia is among my best friend online as well. ;)

PIC#1: BIKINI KIANA - Well whaddya know. Another bikini pic done by Saskia. This time; it's kiana. And you gotta dmit, kiana looks very good in a bikini. And why not? saskia did draw her after all. ;) And look at the background. This beahc background is wonderfully colored. The sunset effect to it makes it even more special. Excellent work Saskia! :D I love how you made this pic! kiana looks fabulous! :D Keep it up Sas. ;)

PIC#2: MARLENE - At last, the original Marlene pic! :D And ti was dranw by none toher, than the talented Saskia. :D I asked ehr tod raw marlene for me, and she turned otu ebtter than oi expected! marlene looks absolutely great! I cna't beleive hwo well tit urned out. no wonder Shen feel in love with her. ;) Great job Saskia! This pic rocks! Thanks agian for drawin' Marlene for me. ;)

PIC#3: TAWNA AND SHEN - This pic was inspiried from my original idea of having Shen Lo ken marry Tawna. I alter changed my mind; but thanks to Saskia, she drew out what it would ahve looked like. And I love it! It looks great at what might have happened. There's Shen, carrying his loved one, Tawna, with him. It also flatters me knowing how much Saskia likes Shen. Thnaks a lot Saskia. This was such a great pic! :D

PIC#4: KIERAN - now to introduce a new char from Saskia. It's Kieran kangaroo. He happens to be one out of nine of kiana's brothers. That's an awful lot; but i'm sure they're nice to her. ;) And I'll bet this is amogn one fot eh oldest. Kieran is one of kiana's closest brothers. probably helped ehr through life i bet. This si a good drawing of Kieran. Nice work as always Saskia! :)

PIC#5: KIERAN & KIANA - Okay, so as always, siblings tend to joke aroudn with one another. but it's all in good fun i'm sure. ;). It's kieran again, amking bunny ears behind Kiana. Hey, when you're the only girl outta nine guys you're gonna get this. ;) Good pic Saskia! this si a great way to show how these two paly with each other. ;)

PIC#6: GIRLS' NIGHT OUT - WHOA!! Look at all the girls sas drew! Look, Danni, Crimson, Marlene, and amny others! Each girl belogns to at least oen member. and look at the stylin' clothes they're wearing. Looks liek their goin' out for a night ont he town! GREAT pic saskia! This si one of ym faves to add into my collection of your artwork here!;)

PIC#7: ADAM SCHWINDLER - Look what Sas drew for me! It's Adam Schwindler, the main villian of Sas's new 'Tawna's Tale' story. Adam's set eyes on Tawna, and si quite good at sweeping her off her feet! But what's he really after? you'll jsut ahve to find out in Sas's fic. ;) Good pic of Adam Sas. :)

PIC#*: DIANA - Check it out. Whos' this cute girl Sas whipped up? It's kiana's and Darwin's kid; Diana. (That is, if kianan and Darwin ever did get married.) Cute isn't she? And she looks almost like a real girl as well. Amazing detail there Sas. This truly is a good pic! I can see what dianan may be like in future fics of yours. GREAT JOB!! :D

PIC#9: DADDY'S GIRL - Now we get a moment of daddy and daughter here. Here Darwin gentley holds Diana in ehr arms. Look how small and innocent she is. Cute Sas. it looks liek Darwin's the happy father of this little blessing. ;) And nice job on the coloring and detail Sas! This sid efinitely oen fien pic ya got here! You certainyl ahve great tlaent Saskia! Love this pic!! :D :D

PIC#10: KIANA & DIANA - Okay; you've seen father and daughter; now for the traditional mother and daughter bonding. Here kiana hoists little diana as if she's gonna hoist her in the air. Like mother like daughter, they get alogn quite well. Great job Sas. it looks liek Diana's aprt fo a happy family alright! Darwin and kiana woudl amke good aprents! GREAT JOB!! :D

PIC#11: EDEN LYNX - Look what Saskia drew for CrystalBandicoot! It's Eden Lynx. And check outt he exceleltn and outstandign detail on her! Truly a work fo art Eden is! :D That dress ahs allkt he great detail of Saskia's talent. It amazed oth ema nd Creystal. This si such an exceleltn drawing of Eden Saskia! VERY impressive, and VERY detailed! ;)

PIC#12: COCO'S JOB - Here's another cool pic done by Saskia. It's Coco at her baby sitting job. She's out there baby-sitting lil' Bash. She seems to be doing a great job so far. Note that this is her room they're both in. Very colorful. ^_^ Oh look, there's Pura sleeping in her beanbag in the background. Looks like Bash also wants to know what Coco's typing on her lap top. ;) GREAT pic Sas. Great as always.

PIC#13: DANNI DINGO - Here's Saskia's drawing of Danni Dingo. This was done for Shazi for her B-Day. ;) And boy does it look great. :-D There's Danni, holding her boomerang and at the beach. This is a really colofrul and beautiful pic. Saskia is truly a great artist in her field of art. :) Love this pic of Danni. :-) Wonderful as always. :)

PIC#14: DIANA HEAD SHOT - A truly beautiful drawing of Diana's head. Look at that texture and detail. It's truly amazing. :-D This si Diana as a teenager. Note the nice background and color shading done to make Diana look really real and wonderful. ^__^ This piccie is truly great. I am always astounded by Sas's really wodnerful art. :-D

PIC#15: TAWNA FIGHTER 1 - For my Crashcorner Char fighting game, Sas did a really cool fighting design for Tawna. Here's her player 1 form. Really cool isn't it? Check out that pose!! That's really greaT! :-D What a stance. Proves that Tawna's a true fighter instead of a helpless victim. ;-) New and improved Tawna, back for action!! ;-) Great work Saskia. This is one great piccie.

PIC#16: TAWNA FIGHTER 2 - Here's the player 2 version of Tawna. Looks great here. Here she is, dressed more to the right stuff. Look at that message. Think you can fight soemone like her? ;) This be a great pic done by the great Saskia herself!! Love both palyer versions of Tawna. They're truly great!! :-D