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G'day. Here's a tiny archive I whipped up to commererate my first succesful Art Drawing Contest. The theme was based on a future char of mine, Sharon. (Named after the lovely and talented shazi herself. ;) ) and to commerorate this special event, I have put together this page to commemorate the entires. I loved all of them. They were really neat! Thanks to all the artists out there who participated.

And now..on with the show! :D


Here's CrystalBandicoot's entry. A REALLy wonderful pic done by this talented gal. :D Here is a concept of what sharon would look like. It's a really cool pic. Sharon looks stylin'. And she's pretty darn cute in this pic. Nice job Crystal. This pic rocks! :D Thanx a million Crystal. i loved this pic. :D


Here's a treat. Twister drew a really cool sketch of Sharon. (How she would look like). What a cool gal. :D Just to let ya know, she's a foxicoot Twister. ;) But I REALLy love this pic. This si a great idea of what she would look like. She's pretty good lookin' in this pic. :D Thanx Twister. I loved this pic of Sharon. Such talent. :D


And's the winner of the contest. The others were great, I loved em. But this pic relates to what sharon would look like to me. Done by the excellent and talented Kiorie. :D I love the anime and chibi feel of 'Super Saiyan Sharon'!! :D She REALLy looks bad-ass in this pic. Good job Kiorie! I REALLY LOVE THIS PIC!!! :D Congrats on the great job. This Sharon pic rocks. :D

There ya ahve it. The wonderful entries to my little contest. Thanks to all the contestants. My extreme gratitude to all of you. :)