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More of Shazi's wonderful art!!!

Kiorie's char, Darwin Dingo, drawn by Shazi! He's a good friend of Crash's..well in the beginning he wasn't!! He wanted Danni Dingo!! But towards the end..he accepted the fact that Danni loved Crash more..and accepted that he and Danni could just be friends!! Just like in real life!! (Yeah..right!)

Another fabulous char is Kitsume! This white fox char tought Coco Bandicoot everything she needed to know to help her increase her intelligence, speed, and fighting power! Kitsume posses magical powers that help her friends and herself out!! She's a very skilled and mystical char!! It's really troublesome though that Uka Uka has eyes for her!!

The evil Demona..a black fox char that hates Coco Bandicoot..alot! Coco was the one that defeated her!! Now Demona seeks revenge..along with her three vile bodyguards!! Her magical powers are linked with Uka Uka's powers..and she is indeed a fighter no one should undersestimate!!!

Another evil char..Speedra!! A personal enemy of Danni's..because both are equally fast!! Speedra enjoys calling Danni 'Blondie' cause it annoys her!! Speedra also is linke dwith Shadra..and both work for Cortex and Uka Uka!!

Shazi's been known to draw a great Crash!! and here's his mugshot!! Crash seems a bit uncertain about something..but then again..he always is!!! A great pic of Crash! no one draws him better than Shazi!!!

Now to introduce Danni and Crash's offspring!!! First..there si the chosen one who has the strength hidden in him....Casey!! He's the oldest in the family..and is always ready for adventure!! He and his dad are pretty close!! Aku Aku prophesizes that Casey is destined to become the Chosen One in the future!!

The youngest of the family..Yarra is also Danni and Crash's kid..and Casey's younger brother! When he learns that Casey is destined to become the chosen one..he grows very jealous!!! Heh..I always epected the youngest one to be chosen..oh well..guess I was wrong!!! HE!! Nice pics Shazi!! These are awesom!!!