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Many centuries ago. There lived a man. A brilliant man who studied nearly every field ins cience and logic, and gained complete control of how he viewed it. But then, as many men do become, he became overly obsessed with his work, and learned even more than we wanted to know. This man was named Demonarc, a once respectable grey fox humanoid in the fields of knowledge, until..fate led him along another path. Doors, to black magic. When he found and gained posession of the book entitled 'The Cult of Shinra', he learned of the existence of an ultrapowerful demon named Shinra, a demon who's pwoer was immense and so destructable, that no mortal could dare destroy him. By posessing the demon's soul, the figure gains all its' powers, and thus could rule the Earth without any fear of defiance.

Demonarc's mind became warped as he studied these detestable rituals and learned how to envoke creatures of the past, powerful Shinra Cult members, and the final to gain the soul of Shinra himself. Demonarc soon isolated himself in the ruins of an old castle, which was rebuilt through his magic. The castle was now called 'Castle Shinra', and was set atop on a mountainous hill called, 'Raven Mountain.' For years, Demonarc studied the ways, and gained much of the black magic invested in him. Soon, he became a demon himself, and decided to test his powers. By envoking much evil from the realms of the underworld, ghastly creatures, warriors, and demons arose. They terrorized towns, destroyed property, and carried off innocent people. No one was safe, as no one posessed a certain elemtn known as..Holy Power!

There was one man who did. As part of his hunter bloodlines, he learned how to achieve Holy Power as the number of evil beings increased. His name was Frederick Geustauve, a frensh brown fox humanoid, who carried the legendary Hunter Whip; a whip designed in destroying evil. Through the rituals of monks and his father, Frederick finally recieved the Holy sacrificing his original power. Once he got it, it remained with him forever; as only the pure could gain it. After learning of the terror around Castle Shinra's area, he soon learned of the resident there..Lord Demonarc. Frederick decided to set out an end his evil doings.

Frederick made his way to Raven Mountain, and fought through hourdes of ghouls, the undead, monsters, and demons. In the Castle Shinra, he managed to find his way to Demonarc's Throne room, where Demonarc sat there. They both engaged in a heated discussion;l and how Frederick and the rest of humankind despised Demoanrc's actions. Demoanrc obviously cared less; and decided to do away with Frederick. During the ehat of battle, Demoanrc summoned hellfire, but Frederick proved quicker, and started hitting Demonarc with much of his skills. But Demonarc was not finished yet. Demonarc then showed his true form. He turned into a huge green demon like monster. His scales were like shields, as Frederick learned that they could not be penetrated. But Frderick remembered his Holy Sword, and found the weak spot of Demonarc. With a quick thrust, he flung the sword within the spot; and Demonarc felt the Holy Surge destroy his body. Frederick had defeated Demonarc, and Demoanrc's soul was forever thrown into perdition. Frederick escaped the castle, and lived a happy life.

Yet..although Demonarc was defeated, he was certainly not entirely dead. His soul was only waiting for someone to awaken him. By chance, someone did. A member of Demoanrc's future bloodlines, returned to the Castle Shinra many centuries later. This was Demonarc's future granddaughter, Demona. She was a grey fox woman, who was intended on releasing the evil Demoanrc from his grave. Within the castle walls, Demona incited many ioncations and concocted many inanimate bojects to make the essence of ressureccting Demonarc. She waqs successful, as the mighty king himself rose from his grave and was alive again. Demona was at his service, but Demonarc also realized that she ahd another part of his bloodline. A sister. Demoanrc was enraged to find out that Demona's sister was for the side of good and righteousness. Demona;s sister was Kitsume, the white pure fox woman who posessed many warrior skills.

Kitsume had always lived happily, only worrying about the evil her sister caused. She possessed great magic, and even had Holy Power on her. Demonarc knew there would have to be eprsuasions to bring her back. Demoanrc then ressurrected his msot trusted members of the cult. The Death Lord, the grim reaper of mamillian humanoids. Dissiphorous, the red caped fox soul hunter who's swordpl,ay is unbelievable. Gabrielle, the fallen vixen angel from Heaven, who now posessing dark power within her. The Succubus, the bandicoot female demoness who seduces men as her power, and does away with them with their souls. And Delilah, the two faced sorceress who was an expert in magic and science. (Her face was half torn of due to her enar betrayal of the cult.) The Death Lord visited Kitsume, foretelling Kitsume of the fate of the world as Demoanrc would rule. Trying to onvince Kitsume, the Death Lord warned of how the world would be if she did not follow his ways. Kitsume refused, and theDeath Lord went away, knowing very well she would try and stop Demonarc.

Kitsume now knows of Demoanrc's presence, and msut go out and stop her great grandfather and sister from spreading unstoppable evil around the world. Her quest would not be easy, and many perils would be at hand. But she was prepared to meet the evil and face it. She was determiend with a warrior's pride to prevent the evil of Demaonrc from ensuing. She would go over to Castle Shinra and sestroy its' master and itself. She now embarks on the great quest.

.......But it is uncertain who will win, as the quest and battle between 'Good and Evil' unfolds once again.