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These are Stripes most amazing pics!! WOW!!! Great artwork Stripes!!!! These pics rock!! You are a real talented artist!!! Anyway..enjoy Stripes' Pics!!!

A pic of Stripes' main char..Clarrisa Wolf!! A very well doen pic done by Stripes!!! Clarrisa Wolf has magical powers..and is a good fighter!! Look for her in 'Phsycic Shock'..Stripes' cool Fan Fic!!!! AWESOME!!

A head shot of Clarrisa Wolf!! Look at that glare!! You can tell she's ready for action!!!! Once again...great job Stripes!!

A pic of a Digimon named Gatomon!! I haven't seen Digimon..but this little critter looks cool!! It's attacks must rely on it's fist, or it has magical powers!!! IT'S A GREAT PIC!!! Good job Stripes!!!

Another Digimon...a Gomamon!! A sea going Digimon with water attacks..obviously!! I really like this one!!!! It's so awesome!! You truly are a talented artist Stripes!! KEEP IT UP!!!

A pic drawn by Stripes!! Shazi as a dalmation!! he!! Nice pick!! Shazi is now a Tiger Wolf and a dalmation!! Whaddya know!?!? HA HA!! Great pic Stripes!! P.S.: If you ever wanna draw me as a dog Stripes..draw me as a German Shepard!^_^

As you can see...Stripes is a big Powerpuff Girls fan!! (But I'm not..sorry Stripes!) But anyway..this is a very good and accurate pic of Bubbles!!! This happens to be Stripes favorite Powerpuff..because their favorite color is blue!!! NICE JOB!!!!!


COOL! Stripes drew a pic of the sinister Doctor Cortex. A very accurate pic I must add. Though he may not look like much, Docotr Cortex has always been the master of evil. No doubt. He rules his minions with an iron fist, and wants to do the same with the world. GOOD JOB Stripes!! You drew the evil docotr quite well! :D


I really like this one. Stripes drew Shazi as a dog, and now she too drew me as a dog. A German shepard to be exact, my favorite breed of dog. And my, don't I make a handsome dog. ^_^ Stripes sure has a way with making us look like dogs. It's a uniqe talent. I look great as adof..cause Stripes did the honors of making the pic that way. THANKS STRIPES!! :D