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The other gallery of the talented artist Haran. Enjoy her work, and here you'll see how much she ahs progressed through her skills. ;-)

Here is her colored pencil work. This pic right here features her apparent love for horses; and in this case, Unicorns. ^__^ These mythical beasts are always cool; even boys can appreciate em'. :) I really do appreciate this drawing, as it clearly shows the effort she put into it. Note how she's getting better at placing lines to where the muscles of the animal are supposed to be; clearly showing her love for putting detail into drawings. ^__^ VERY impressive work Haran my love. ^__^ Good thing you like horses, cause they look awesome. ^__^

Now this pic clearly shows our love for each other. ^_^ It's me and Haran, as a couple. ^_^ we're both furified dog people here; and it really adds to the appeal. I cna't tell you how much I love my Haran. ^__^ She's a wonderful person with great emotions and talents!! I really wanna meet her in person someday; and this pic is a good start. ;) The colors are nicely added, along with the tones. Very godow ork here Haran. I love it; and I love the mood you put us in. ^__~

Yet another pic of us together., It's during the summer too, my favorite season. ^__^ And sharing it with one of my favorite persons. Haran. ^__^ How cool! It's real romantic how we are just sitting there looking at each other. I love it. ^__^ And I really love Haran. A Colored pencil drawing with such brillaint tones and colors. Great work Haran. ^__^ I will awlays love ya; and these pics are one of the remidners on how strong our bond is. Love ya love. (Hugs and kiss her. ^__^)

These are two of Shazi's chars, drawn by Haran herself. ^__^ VERY impressive. :D It's Yarra, Danni's son; and Jacko, the kangaroo pilot! Both look real awesome. Looks like Yarra's looking up to Jacko; as he msut've given him some great advice, and he's a good friend. :D I like how Haran drew them; it's rather beautiful don't ya all agree? Both these characters are great too. I'm sure Shazi loved em. ^__^ Nice work on these two Haran. ^_^

This is another famous Shazi char, if not the most famous. ;) Danni Dingo. Here's a real awesome pose of her sitting on the floor. I like how Haran pays attention to detail and proportions; cause it really looks great!! :D Danni has always been a cool char; and she looks acceptionally cool in this piccie right here!! Great work as always Haran!! Danni looks so cool here!! Good work girl. ^_^

Here's the duo of kids me and Haran came up with for our couple; Sylvia and Dylan. Taylor and Jenny are back; and this pic here clearly shows some sibling rivalry. ;) I believe that's Jenny's shoe Taylor's got in his paws. Jenny wants it back. :-p Cute. Well Taylor better give it back; eitherwise he'll get scolded for bein' sorta mean. (they're really just palying.) They're like real brother and sister; constantly playing and sometimes fighting. JKust the way we siblings are. :-p COOL picture Haran. ^__^ I really liek it. :) It's such a great detailed work. I love how you depicted Taylor and Jenny here. Really cute. ;) Thank yas.

This is one of Haran's first nudes; and it's of her char, Geraldina. (I do beleive she's Rodney's girlfriend.) She's covering her bod with her tail; which adds a sorta sexy Venus Di Milo' quality to it. ;) She is a very lovely girl ya know; and she's very nice. This nude pic is very nice and detaile.d Once again; Haran has created some very effective and great art. This is such a great pic Haran. Keep it up. ^__^

Before any of ya think; I just wanna remind ya that this is not a 'sex' pic. No, it's just Geraldina and Rodney cuddling in bed. They really love each other; and are have a nice passionate night together. They just lvoe each other, ya know? This si what msot couples do when in loe; and it's a really lovely pic indeed./ I like it; very romantic. And very detailed to. This si where Haran's art becomes very realistic. The proportions and expressions are done so well. This is so cool Stormy. I love the awesome detasil in this pic. ^__^ Good work here!! What a nic eromantic pic Haran. You are a amster with this kinda artwork; quite an advantage ya got there. ;)