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This archive here holds more of her recent work. You'll not such huge differences, and how much she continues to pace ehrself with making her artwork more innovative. When you take a loook at this gallery; you can definitely tell she';s on the right track of becoming a VERY successful artist. You'll really love her work; I guarantee it. ;)

WOW!! This pic is incredibly detailed. This now shows clears in depth precision. These are dog versions of Haran's favorite singers. (I forget who they are actually. :-p) But even so; this pic is incredible!! I love how it looks; it's fantastic!! It truly is. ^__^ The poses are really great; and you can definitely tell that Haran has put a huge amount of effort into this cool pic. :D These guys look totally awesome. I would expect no less from the talented Haran herself; wouldn't you agree? ;) Good work stormy. This pic is fantastic. :D

This is another picture of Danni sitting. And wow; does it look cool!!! :D :D Haran has once again, built up her skills as an artist. This Danni version is really cool; and almost very simialr to the actual Danni Dingo. :) This is such great work on your taslent Haran. ^__^ I love how you draw Danni; you really seem to capture her likenesses very well. I am very impressed. Keep up the good work love. ^__^

This is a picture of Haran's little rat terrier; Jenny. Isn';t she cute. ;) Jenny's the child of Haran's life; and she sounds like such a cute dog. Here's a drawing of her wearing bows for Christmas. Note how well Haran drew her; and how she's getting better with the precision of shading and proportions. This is one of the ebst she's drawn, and Haran's jsut too cute for words. :) Great work Haran. ^__^ Jenny's one lucky dog to be with you.

THis pic I really like; as it depicts my couple; Shen and MArlene. Here they are..on the big wedding day; ready to give their vows. How nice. ^__^ I really an impressed and grateful to recieve this great piece of work fro mstormy. ^__^ I love how she captured their nice expressions. ^__^ They look perfect together. I'm very impressed. ^__^ Thank you very much for this nice picture Haran. ^__^ It's just wonderful. ^_^

WOW!!! This is..incredible!! It truly is. I saved the msot detailed and eqsquistie pick for this apge. It's a Christmas picture; and it's sjut..beautiful! It really captures the spirit of Christmas. And when you look at the woman, she ius so greatly detailed. :D WOW!! The shading, the prportions; everything@! It's all so great!! And there's great iconography in here too. The dove symbolizing peace of course. ;)THis is just a great pic done by Haran. It truly is. This is undeniable proof, that everytime she draws, she jsut keeps getting better. She's no doubt gonna be a fantastic artist. ^__^ I am amazed on the high quality detail of this pic. ^__^ I truly am!! You really outdid yourself Haran. God bless ya. ^__^ What talent you have my love. ^__^ And this is such a warm picture!! No doubt, it brings good holiday cheer. ^_^

More of Haran's art will be coming. And after you've seen the evolution of her can definitely tell..that she won't stop at getting better everytime. Her progress is astounding; and her artwork is remarkable. You definitely know, that she's a top notch artist!! I lvoe ya Haran. ^__^