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A House Divided Cannot Stand.
"Abraham Lincoln"

Attacks on America.

Terrorism is an attack on us by them.
If you are not one of us, then you are one of them.


There are many anti-americans in our country.
They are easy to recognize because they all have the same traits.
They attempt to divide this great nation at every opportunity.

Traits of the anti-americans are.

There are many famous and infamous anti-americans.

They use their fame to divide this wonderful nation.
There fame persuades the sheep to follow their lead.
Please boycott these traiters.
Please do not patronize any products these people represent, produce, are connected to or own.

I have only listed the ones I have seen being anti-american.
What I want to know is where were they when
women were beaten to death in the streets
for not being in the company of a man or for
showing part of their face in Afganistan?
Where were they when Sadam used Chemical Weapons on his own people in Iraq?
Why weren't they there to be human shields for those victims?

Don't let them divide and conquer our great nation.

Support our brave men and women in uniform.

God Bless America


