There are many anti-americans in our country.
They are easy to recognize because they all have the same traits.
They attempt to divide this great nation at every opportunity.Traits of the anti-americans are.
- 1. They value their freedom of speech but deny it to others.
- 2. They feel the freedoms of this country are not worth fight to protect, unless that fighting is done by someone else.
- 3. They do not want any other country to have the rights they themselves enjoy.
- 4. They will let the leaders of other countries do as they wish with their own people, even if it is killing them.
- 5. They conveniently forget that our country has been attacked for the past 23 years with thousands killed.
- 6. They remember only a short time when the attack on this country is inside our continential borders & never remember when the attack is outside our borders.
- 7. They support terrorists by saying it is our foreign policy that causes it.
- 8. They refuse to see that throughout history the countries that support terrorists cannot live in peace with their own neighbors.
- 9. They support inhuman treatment of other people in the name of peace rather than fight to free them.
- 10. They preach peace yet trample on the rights of others, disobey laws, cost honest taxpayers millions, destroy property and injure their own people.
- 11. They forget that Iraq had 13 years to comply with the U.N. resolutions.
There are many famous and infamous anti-americans.
They use their fame to divide this wonderful nation.
There fame persuades the sheep to follow their lead.
Please boycott these traiters.
Please do not patronize any products these people represent, produce, are connected to or own.
- 1. Jane Fonda
- 2. The Dixie Chicks
- 3. Natalie Maines
- 4. Michael Moore
- 5. Martin Sheen
- 6. Sean Penn
- 7. Daniel Ellsberg
- 8. Phil Donahue
- 9. George Clooney
- 10. Sheryl Crowe
- 11. Rosie O'Donnell
- 12. Peter Arnett
- 13. Tom Cahill
- 14. Senator John Kerry
- 15. Howard Dean
- 16. Stephen Funk
- 17. Danny Glover
- 18. Linda Ronstadt
- 19. Cindy Sheehan
- 20. Joan Baez
- 21. Conya West
- 22. Ramsey Clark
- 23. Michael Neudow
- 24. John P. Murtha
- 25. Susan Sarandon
- 26. Barbara Streisand
- 27. John Kerry
- 28. Johnny Sutton
I have only listed the ones I have seen being anti-american.
What I want to know is where were they when
women were beaten to death in the streets
for not being in the company of a man or for
showing part of their face in Afganistan?
Where were they when Sadam used Chemical Weapons on his own people in Iraq?
Why weren't they there to be human shields for those victims?
Don't let them divide and conquer our great nation.
Support our brave men and women in uniform.