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Acid Rain: What's the Big Deal?

Here is an essay I wrote on acid rain and some additional information...

Acid Rain

Acid rain is destroying our world. It is a major problem all over, and we can make a difference. It hurts fish and other aquatic life, it is a threat to humans, and destroys man-made structures. As the problem of acid rain grows, so does the awareness, which is my purpose in writing this, to inform you about acid rain and to, hopefully, persuade you to help me make a difference.

Acid rain hurts, even kills fish. The acid rain gets into the soil first through various kinds of precipitation. Then it progressively gets taken down into rivers and bodies of water, where fish are. The pH level, which shows something’s acidity, changes in the water. In the spring this happens drastically because of the melting snow. The acidity changes too quickly for poor Goldie to even try to adapt to it. This happens at a really bad time because the fish are reproducing and the abrupt change of pH levels can seriously deform cute little baby fish. For some aquatic life, considering the young spend most of their life in the water cycle, it can even obliterate the whole species! It doesn’t stop there. The acid molecules in the water can form mucus in the fish’s gills, suffocating it to death. What a horrible way to die for such innocent fish! And it continues. The sulfuric acid in acid rain can directly effect how fish take in nutrients, therefore killing the fish through mal-nutrition. How sad.

The death of fish is only one of many consequences of acid rain. Acid rain seriously effects another group of organisms, as well. These organisms are a bit more dear to our heart. Acid rain effects...humans. Acid rain effects us in two different ways. It emits gases that give us respiratory problems such as asthma, dry coughs, headaches, eye, nose and throat irritations. It also effects humans a little less indirectly, but more seriously. Toxic metals are dissolved in water. They get absorbed into fruit and the tissues of animals. This doesn’t hurt the animal, but can seriously harm humans. For example, mercury that collects in the organs and tissues of animals can cause brain damage, nerve disorders, and even death. Scared yet? Well, aluminum is also a problem. It is said to cause kidney problems and Alzheimer’s disease. Well, I’m scared.

Yet another serious effect of acid rain is on man-made structures such as buildings. The acid rain causes things to corrode, or be eaten away. This happens to bridges, buildings, statues and such. This is an economical problem because people have to pay to fix everything effected by acid rain. It also defaces beautiful statues and buildings. Worst of all, it is a big danger. The corrosion causes bridges to collapse, as happened in Ohio. 46 lives taken. For what? For nothing.

So, now I bet you are dying to know how to stop this from happening. How you can make a difference. Well, acid rain is caused by many things. One way that acid rain is caused is through the burning of fuel and coal. We burn fuel whenever we make electricity. So, to help out you can do two easy things. One, you could try to limit the electricity you use. If you aren’t in a room turn off the light. Also, ride a bike. Walk to your destination. Try not to use cars as much, so you don’t burn as much fuel. By doing these things not as many fish will die, not as many humans will get sick, and not as many things will corrode. Now, go make a difference.

Ways we can prevent acid rain

Here are some good acid rain links...

Gale Group-Acid Rain
Acid Rain 2000
Acid Rain Backgrounder
Acid Rain FAQ's
Acid Rain Formation
Acid Rain Resources
Acid Rain Study
Bioscience: Acid deposition legislation
Canadian Coalition on Acid Rain
Causes, effects, and solutions of acid rain
