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Breast Cancer Prevention

Do you run the risk of breast cancer? See below for a potential solution (this was added by a visitor to this site)!



Some time ago, I came across some information that I feel is important for the prevention of breast cancer -- in fact, I believe this condition can be eliminated to a very large extent through a very simple and natural means -- a means that costs NOTHING and which can in fact save money. I believe -- based on the data (see the article and/or book referenced below) that this disease can, in fact, be reduced in the United States by over 95%!

It turns out that apparently breast cancer can be reduced through a discovery made by a husband-and-wife team named Sydney Ross Singer and Soma Grismaijer (Institute for the Study of Culturogenic Disease, or I.S.C.D.) a few years ago: namely, that bra-wearing can seemingly create MUCH higher rates of breast cancer -- while, on the other side of the coin, wearing bras less, or not at all, correlates with reduced breast cancer incidence.

This couple has written a book called Dressed to Kill: the Link Between Breast Cancer and Bras, and information from these authors is summarized in an article by Ralph L. Reed, Ph.D. (The full title of the site containing this article is "Bras and Breast Cancer - Women Who Wear Bras Versus Those That Do Not," and the title of the article itself is "Bras and Breast Cancer.")

The above-referenced article has a link to another article, "Prevention and Treatment of Fibrocystic Breast Disease," which includes testimonials from women who stopped wearing bras. In addition, one of the authors of Dressed to Kill: the Link Between Breast Cancer and Bras, Sydney Ross Singer, in a review of that book on, says, in part:

"Women who are bra-free have the same breast cancer incidence as men. And don't wait for the cancer detection and treatment industry to endorse this information before you try it. Billions of dollars are made each year treating breast cancer. Nobody will make money by women loosening up to prevent this disease. The prevention of breast disease is up to each individual woman. Just stop binding the breasts with bras in the name of fashion, and begin to love yourself and respect your body."

I believe that following through with this knowledge will save lives, and I would like for this information to become more widely known.

Contact information for Sydney Ross Singer and Soma Grismaijer:

Sydney Ross Singer
and Soma Grismaijer
PO Box 1880
Pahoa, HI 96778
Phone: (808) 935-5563

Following is a link to the above-referenced article, "Bras and Breast Cancer" (on the site "Bras and Breast Cancer - Women Who Wear Bras Versus Those That Do Not"), by Ralph L. Reed, Ph.D.:

(Note: Sydney Ross Singer and Soma Grismaijer have a website at, although it is not focused solely on bras and breast cancer.)

-- G.A., September 2000


For more information...

ACS: Breast Cancer Resource Center
Breast Cancer
Doctor's Guide to Breast Cancer
Arizona Cancer Center-Breast Cancer Facts
Avon breast cancer awareness crusade
Better Homes and Gardens-Breast Cancer
Breast and cervical cancer
Breast Cancer-Sci web
Breast Cancer
Breast Cancer Glossary
