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Vortex Helicopter

Cartoon Counter Punch

Counter Punch Toy


Allegiance: Decepticon

Fuction: Double Agent

First Appearance: Comic- N/A
Cartoon-Rebirth Pt. 1

"In my business, there are no friends, only suspects."

Profile When Punch becomes Counter Punch, he not only changes his outer appearance his whole personality chages as well. The bizarre fact is, neither Punch nor Counter Punch are aware that there is any mental change. A psychomechanic could make a fortune out of him, because Punch/Counter Punch is one of the best examples of schizophrenia. Though, as Counter Punch, he retains his Autobot sensibilities (and carries out his double-agent duties; infiltrating and reporting on on Decepticon troop movements and capabilities), he becomes more Decepticon than Autobot. Like Punch, he is tight lipped and resolute, but where Punch uses mercy and restraint, Counter Punch can be every bit as ruthless as other Decepticons. Even his "fellow" Decepticons give him a wider berth, knowing him to be volatile and bad-tempererd. A casual, jokey remark is often seen as a savage personal attack by Counter Punch, and rarely passes without some form of retribution from him. It can be theorized that the constant knife-edge pressure has gradually gotten to Punch, and that part of thim been lost, possibly irredeemably. So convining is Punch's Decepticon alter ego that he was put in charge of the Decepticons' intelligence network, gathering information on the Autobots and controlling the many Decepticon field operatives. This role presents Punch/Counter Punch with a unique problem. How can he maintain his cover and get results, without compromising his fellow Autobots? The great fear is that one day, Counter Punch will take full control of the shared mind, spelling disaster for the Autobots!

Abilities: As both Punch and Counter Punch, he can transform into a sleek, aerodynamic car capable of reaching a maximum speed of 160 miles per hour, with a range of 1200 miles. In Autobot mode, he uses a twin mortar launcher capable of firing its highly-combustible firebombs a distance of 3000 yards, In Decepticon mode, he wields a photon cannon, which emits a high-density stream of circuit-scrambling energy, destroying enemies from the inside out. In order to maintain Punch's cover, all Autobots are fitted with a damper device that reduces the cannon's effect but produces enough fireworks to convince the Decepticons that they have been destroyed. All the Autobots have to do is remember to fall down!

Weaknesses: All of Punch's weaknesses stem from the mental split between him and his alter ego, Counter Punch. He is in constant danger of slipping too fully into his Decepticon role and turning on his Autobot comrades. Should this ever happen, the Autobots would have little option but to stop him. Whether they could do this without harming him remains to be seen. All that is held in check as Punch finds savage release as Counter Punch.

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