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Double Dealer: Bird thingy mode

Double Dealer: Heavy Artilery mode

Doubledealer toy

Doubledealer toy


Allegiance: Decepticon

Function: Mercenary

Sub Group: Power Master

First Appearance: Comics-Transformers N/A
Cartoons- The Last GodMaster (Masterforce)

"The price of victory is never too high."

Profile: Doubledealer is a ruthless, battle-ready robot for rent. A mercernary of highest calibur but also, a traitorous backstabber. He is only loyal to the highest bidder, and cares only for two things in the world: himself and his payment.  Due to his immense skills, Autobots and Decepticons recognize his value, but have little trust for him. Doubledealer enjoys having a large arsenel at his disposal and will often go into duty with multiple weapons.  Always in search for greater power, when he saw the increased effiency of the Powermasters he instantly sought to harness the technology. Only instead of being binary-bonded to a single Nebulan, Doubledealer merged with Knok and bat creature Skar. When merged with Knok, Doubledealer disguises himself as an Autobot robot, while his merging with Skar, transforms him into a Decepticon falcon.

Abilities: Doubledealer always carries a extensive arsenal of powerful weaponry. He is usually armed with an intercontinental ballistic missile that can travel 3,000 miles in 30 minutes. It is equipped with enough explosives to flatten a mountain range. While in robot mode, his weapon of choice is his light blaster, which has the ablity to discharge a concentrated ray of supercharged kinetic energy.

Doubledealer cartoon

Weaknesses: Doubledealer's weaknesses stem from his belief that he is completely invulnerable. His overconfidence sometimes leads him into situations where he can become severvly damaged by taking on enemies that are too powerful. His lack of trust-worthy allies leaves him with little choice when in need of help as well.

Doubledealer toy

Doubledealer toy

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