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it may not be so

and i say that if your lips
which i have loved
should touch anothers


and your dear strong
fingers clutch her heart
as mine in time not far away

if on another's face
your sweet hair lays
in such a silence as i know


such great writhing words
as uttering over much

i stand helplessly
before the spirit at bay


it may not be so

and i say if this should be --
you of my heart
send me a little word


that i may go unto her
and take her hands

"Accept all happiness from me"


shall i turn my face
hear one bird sing terribly afar
in the lost lands


You fill me heart with happiness
Each moment that we share

And every day is more wonderful
Just knowing that you care

Each sweet and thoughtful thing you do
Just makes me LOVE you more


Just makes you even dearer
And still nearer than before

And though I often fail to say
What's in my heart --

Though I forget to mention
That it's you I set apart

I hope you'll know the feeling
That no words can quite convey

And all the deep and lasting love
That's in my heart today

Kenny G Music

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Only You

***** A note about the music on this page. *****

To use the button with the music window you need to click
the big box off then click on the music choice button.

All songs may be played back to back by clicking all the buttons
once the boxes are loaded. If you leave the music window open on
the task bar the songs can be played as you surf the net.

I will change the songs for you if you wish to have me put your
favorites on the page to play like a CD as you cruise the net.

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Contact Cat

Meet Cat incomplete // Sign ~ Guestbook // View ~ Guestbook // Site Awards //
F-R-E-E Awards 4 You // Apply Awards 4 You Coming Soon //
ForeverG // Without You // Friendship Across the Miles // Strong Blond Swede //
My Man // Resources/Links // Imagemap // Images of China // Anti-Virus Info // Causes //

Pages Done within the last 12 months:
Homeless Info new 10/01 // F-R-E-E Graphics 4 you new/incomplete 10/01 //
Work in process: Blessings // Lord's Baseball // Creator of Dreams //

My sites: Shine Jesus Shine// Strong Blonde Swede// Uniquely Cat Homepage//

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Made By Cat.
Cards by Irishmiss
Boat,Beach and cherubheart images -
All other images,background,catshead - Nicks Picks
Midi playing ~ Only You.
Created November 1999. Updated November 2001.

Page Copyright:Uniquely Cat, 1999, 2000, 2001.