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My Recent Pic 12/99

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I am in the foreground looking over business cards

Always near a PC!

I must ask your forgiveness for the temporary inconsistant nature of the following letter. I have transferred this private page from a private site and am in the process of re-doing it for this site. It is the last page which I am bringing here so it is still process. Although complete as a page it may lack content that the general public would be interested in.

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My personal website
Dear Ladies,



This is an open-letter to you all. After a long length of inactivity we are ready to ROCK in

WOW! Since you are here you must want to know a little about me. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! Let's see.................

I am 45, divorced and AVAILABLE -- so send those available guys you know my way ...LOL.(I tend to be playful online...*sigh*) and I am called "mom" by 3 children.

Currently, I sell on-air commercials at the local radio station and provide the childcare for a Human Service Family Center.

I am very active in local organizations in my community doing volunteer work. Some are: Big Brothers and Sisters Board Secretary, County Collaborative Board Policies and Procedures Committee Head, READ program GED tutor, and crisis intervention training/pregnancy center counselor.

Online I am a member of RAOK (Random Acts of Kindness), PWOW (Phenomenal Women of the Web), Digital Women, Html Writer's Guild and LOTH.

3 of my strongest personal interests would be cross stitch, webpage designing and my love for my faith and my non-denominational chrismatic church, Grace Fellowship.

My vision and goal for this group is to activate and establish us within Kari's guidelines in LOTH. Kari is an advocate of delegating authority so it gave me the idea of establishing a "core group" to help me get PA activated once again. Are you interested in helping me?(must be a team player and conform to Kari's vision for the group).

Mainly, I want PA women to begin to encourage and motivate one another to become involved in the organization. I would like us to develop our talents and unique abilities and use them in service to one another and to the group as a whole.

Kari's broader vision is to become a part of the "real world" one day so we all will have a chance to be key players in this as well.

In order to become a functional sub-group of LOTH I want you to actively submit thoughts and ideas for our group. No thought is ever too small or too meaningless. I am a Stephen Covey fan and believe in his "synergy" concept.... That being compromise takes away from something from each side to make a whole ..... but synergy takes both parts and adds them together to create something bigger than the orginal ideas. Thus everyone "wins". So I will never ever dismiss any idea ...timing .....well, we may not be able to act on every idea though at the time you submit it but I will never overlook any suggestions you give me.

In conclusion, I come to this PA Regional Directors Position to serve you and the overall LOTH organization. I am here for you to count on and help you to become an active member of LOTH.

Before leaving please look over the thoughts that concepts that I follow in my life listed below and may I recommend at least reading a few motivational books to encourage yourselves about releasing the power within yourselves.

Let's begin with the end in mind --- becoming a unified, active subgroup in LOTH make sure you are registered with me and then contact me with one of the ways listed below. And I hope together we can make things happen!

Yours to Count On,
Cathy >"< Cat
(some know me as Christmas Cheer)

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I'm a Proud Member of :

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Like everything I share with you it is just for you to know me better and to throw away any thoughts or notions that are NOT appropriate for YOUR life.

I will briefly outline "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" that I talk of. 4 are internal Habits that we must learn before the last 3 outer ones become present.

Habit1 - Be Proactive -- Don't "react" to any thing..think about every thought and deed before you act on them.

Habit 2 - Begin with the end in mind. I talk of this always........see the end of the tunnel and begin making all paths line up to that end. (this is even posted over my desk at work now)

Habit 3 - Put First Things First. That Expands Number 2 in such that you list what it takes to get the end of the tunnel and you review this often to make sure you are working towards that end in your decisions.

Habit 4 - Think Win/Win It is not a matter of compromise both sides must feel they win..not one a winner one a loser. This new way of thinking makes your thoughts look to ways of everyone winning with no losers.

Habit 5 - Seek first to Understand, then to be understood. It goes further than just pleasing someone involves putting yourself in their shoes ..seeing things from their ways so that you can understand ....then with this you can help them understand you by relating to them in the way they can understand you.

Habit 6 - Synergy (The sum of the parts is greater than the whole) Because we are not compromising and no one is loosing the possibilities become greater since no idea or person is overlooked , nothing dicounted but added on to not compromised. So ideas, hopes and dreams become bigger as they are added onto .....compromise means take away from each side to make a whole...synergize means take both and add them together creating a bigger and better end.

Habit 7 - Sharpen the saw. Expand your circle of influence on others and spread these thoughts and continually sharpen them inside yourself.

Contact Cat

Meet Cat incomplete // Sign ~ Guestbook // View ~ Guestbook // Site Awards //
F-R-E-E Awards 4 You // Apply Awards 4 You Coming Soon //
ForeverG // Without You // Friendship Across the Miles // Strong Blond Swede //
My Man // Resources/Links // Imagemap // Images of China // Anti-Virus Info // Causes //

Pages Done within the last 12 months:
Homeless Info new 10/01 // F-R-E-E Graphics 4 you new/incomplete 10/01 //
Work in process: Blessings // Lord's Baseball // Creator of Dreams //

My sites: Shine Jesus Shine// Strong Blonde Swede// Uniquely Cat Homepage//


Made By Cat.
Cards by Irishmiss
Page Copyright: Uniquely Cat Web Designs,January 2000.
Updated October 2001