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Greetings from the Jester. You have wandered into a realm that I have created after realizing that you can go to Hell and come out the other side. I spent many years thinking "Well, it can't get any worse than this" and yet it always seemed to find a way. Now that things have started to get a little better I am looking at the world in a totally different way. I have realized that I did not come back to the world that I had left behind. Everything was a little darker and a little more frightening. I started to look around at what I was seeing and realized that I was no longer the person that I was before, and the people that I used to think were the ones to look up to just seemed to be the people that I didn't want to be. That's when I realized that when you're in Hell there is no way to go back...
But, there is a way to reach

So, if you think you're in Hell just remember that it can, will, and does get worse. But, if you're strong enough you can come through to the other side, and that's when things get really Interesting. So, if you think you're ready, just enter here and take a look around.


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