Our Family & Friends

Our first family photo. Looks like we just fought a war!

You can pick your friends; you can pick your nose...

...but you can't pick Celexsy & Ricco's noses.

Christy at the park.

Christy's mop..

The beauty of America: Everything is open to interpretation.

Give a guy a clam shell and he'll hear for a day...

Teach a guy to catch clams and he'll...

Give a man 3 square meals and he'll...

Take a man to a birthing class and he'll...

Give that man's daughter some paint and she'll...

Us with our friend, Pete.

Hey! An actual picture with ALL FOUR OF US!! Tahoe 9/6/02

Pete and Nicola in the hot air balloon in Tahoe. 9/6/02. Love is in the air!

Pete and Nicola on Pete's deck.

Christy & Andris. Capitol Park 9/8/02.

You'll never know what could happen to you while you're asleep in our house.

"We're going...to the huki lau..."

Going for that Monopoly guy look.


Wedding Photos

Our Daughter, Peyton

Peyton's Story & Poetry

Our Daughter, Eden

Eden (Almost) Weekly

Aya Rose

Sisters (Eden and Aya)

Christy & Andris' "hottie" pictures.

Christy and Andris

Christy and Andris' baby pictures

Our project: We bought a house!