Updated 11/5/05

Eden and Aya Rose

Just us girls. 11/01

Eden and Aya Rose at a birthday party.

Hangin' out on the bed.

Hey! It's the majority!

Us girls in Tahoe.

ALL of us!

Doggy piles up!

Family pic. Eden trying to run.

In the falloween scene.

....everyone has a part.

....one year later.

Daddy and the girls.

Mommy and the girls.

The girls on their first airplane ride. The plane is
empty, of course. Like I'd really let
my children run around on a full plane!

In the wagon Papa bought.

Happy Birthday, Daddy!

Spring pictures at the beginning of Februrary '03.

Ahh...children at their sweetest.

Playing in the snow in Tahoe in Pete's back yard.

Racked at the home show in Reno. 3/30/03

Eden playing Vanna, Aya Rose playing landscaper.

Obiligatory Easter picture together.

Solan'ge, Leilani, Melia, Aya Rose, Eden.

The fam damily on Easter!

Daddy and the girls in Tahoe.

Lannons Log, Star Date....::snort snort gurhilt:::

On the hay, waiting for a pony ride in Apple Hill.

Seeking refuge from the rain on Halloween '03.

The girls at the Palace of Fine Arts, San Francisco. 11/2/03

The girls at the Palace of Fine Arts, San Francisco. 11/2/03

AJ, Aya Rose and Eden.

We travel the path that's paved. :-)

Flower children.

Pretty girls. Pretty flowers. Pretty day.

Aya Rose, 3 and Eden, 5.

On the stone steps at the duck pond.

Cheese. These were taken on Aya Rose's 4th birthday.

I love the look on Rose's face here.

This is Aya Rose's attempt at the "model thrust." She learned it from Eden, who learned it from God knows where.

They're growing up so quickly.

...so I capture as many moments like these as I can.

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