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Welcome to the Warp Pad: Full of Crash Bandicoot Fan Fiction, and tons of other goodies galore! ;)

Welcome.....To the...

Warp Pad

Hey there folks!! And welcome to the Warp Pad! This is the place where you can submit your fave Crash Fan Fiction works aswell as other peoples too! If your a lover of Crash Bandicoot then this is the place to go for any kewl stories written by some extremly talented people!!
This site however, is always under construction so keep coming by if you can. I'll try to update it as much as I can! With more new stories as well as updating other ones. Soon to come up will be my own Crash bandicoot series, and a special page for all the other stories too!! :)
So come round later folks! Cause it'll be sweet!
But remember, this site is always under construction!! ;)

See ya later mates!


But here's what I have so far!! Why not check out what'll be coming here very soon!! Such as what's in my series. Soon to be up will be many other peoples fiction stories!! And why not check out my Crash Fan Art website "Danni's Den!!" ;) Take a peek to what I have to offer you so far! The artwork of the people there is terrific! :)

I currently have another story in the works, although I am still finishing up some other fics at crashcorner. Here's one of my newest. "In her Past" a fic on Danni's forgotten cubhood. Check out the page index HERE. Seeing as how I won't put it on the fics list just right now. It'll be finished. Plus there are heck of a lot more to come from my good friends here. :) See ya laterz.

"Here's lookin' at you kid."

My 1st Series Danni's Den

Copyright © 2000 Crash's Warp Pad
Please write to me if you want to use anything from this site.

How many people have entered so far? ;)....