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In case you hadn't deduced it, this is Damia's character page. No, I'm not an html wizzard, so don't expect too much fancy stuff from it. It's mostly just to give some insight into Damia :). Hopefully you'll have a little fun looking around it :).

Moving on to the Profile!

Alright, yes, I do have quite a few logs of Damia's RP. Quite a few. Go ahead and have a peek :). Some of them aren't exactly what I would call lengthy, but y'know. And have fun...maybe you'll learn something!

Just like just about anyone, she's in a craft that allows her to be a cook up there in the frosty 'reaches. Yup, that's right. She's a baker full time now that she's a senior apprentice. Y'wanna visit the congenial BakerCraft? It could be informative...and d'you know what else? Guess where she lives. You guessed right! High Reaches (PS:if you didn't guess that *thwap* You really haven't been paying attention).

Ooops? You really didn't want to know all about Damia? Go on back