Iz is forever curious, checking out anything that is even of remote interest. She'll pick through it, she'll examine it until she's satisfied thuat she's figured out the mysteries of whatever it was she was examining. She's also not a shy little green, for she'll perch on just about anyone, even if she's not examining them. Also, she's congenial. She isn't one of those territorial greens who won't let another female within her sight. And of course, because of this, her hormones are screwed or something for she isn't the usual flirtatious green either. Males are just another something for her to devour with her eyes and examine down to the last. Besides that, her nurturing instinct has come out just a little with 'mia's newest flitter, Parekis. She seems to be wherever he is, giving him whatever it is he needs, especially protection, as long as it's not at the expense of her curioisty.
Awwwww...was that too much for you? Dats otay. Go back from wence ye came.