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Prominent, but understated cheekbones are splashed with opposeing colors, red-orange on e left and black on the righ, giving the kitten a split mask appearance. POinted black ears are accented by round, golden eyes that hold an attentive, mischeivious, yet sweet expression in their sparkling orbs. Crips white streaks down her nose and over her chin, to spread out on her belly, broken only by a cape of black and reds that drape over her back. Not a single white hair is found within the color or the black that sweeps over her tail and ends in a tip of red-orange.
Kali is a typical empress of the universe, for all that she's a dear. The odd part is, she only acts the part when she needs something. Because she's almost entirely black, she can hide in the more shadowy parts of the Weyr, looking exactly like a shadow until some likely victim comes along. AT that point, she stalks up imperiously and usually gets what she wants. Never is she malicious, but she will defend her integrity and her position as Empress of Everything.
Kali? I think not. Lets head back.