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"Last night I had a dream that I had great sex with this green-eyed girl who used to live down my street. Maria Bertha. In real life I kinda had a secret crush on her... nothing big, but it was there. Well anyways, in my dream after sex I stabbed her to death, spooned her eyeballs out and put 'em in a jar, and consumed most of her flesh, the steak-like portions ONLY. When I woke up I checked the fridge for possible leftovers. Nothing, dammit. Fuck."

-The 3:00AM Mentality...

Tess demonstrates the persuasive powers of her navel.

A nice picture of me and two nuns. Click.

Picture set dedicated to that knee-grow G-vus.

Welcome to AG*Systems...
Essays/Homework/Texts/Whatever Chemistry Significant Figures
Engineering Sanders Engineering
Anatomy/Physiology The Integument
Haversian Arrangement and Skeletal Muscle Fibers
Ventricles And Meninges Of The Brain
Brain, Stomach, And Spleen Blood Flow
Male/Female Sex Organs
Genetics/Anthropology Human Variation
Life/Letters/Stories/Anything Sappy Love Stuff Dreams [nothing here yet...]
Vintage Love Letter
Rants About Females
Pictures/Images/Art/Graphic/This/That The Grooviest Chick on Earth!
Some Stuff
Me + Friends
What the people in my head say...
If you want to be more positive, lose an electron
God, give me patience! Hurry!
It's not that I change my mind a lot... it's that I make better choices.
If you can do it, it's not cheating.
Having a clean concience is a symptom of bad memory.
Against firearms, there is no Kung-Fu.
I used to leave things unfinished, but now...
Science Rules!

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