Does the City
Ever Listen to the People?
Proposition E will be
on the ballot in June. This is the General Plan Protection Initiative that was
circulated twice. A number of people are walking around talking to people about
this initiative. Overwhelming the feedback from residents is they are voting
for it. Why? Because they want to preserve the small town feel of Chula Vista.
Personally I, Theresa
Acerro, chose to live in Chula Vista because I did not like San Diego-too much
traffic, too many tall buildings, too noisy, too dirty. The small town
atmosphere impressed me; people sized buildings, and friendly people in Chula
Vista. Unfortunately we now have traffic problems due to run away growth in the
east, but the west still is a nice place to live with the character of a small
It is unfortunate that
the city council seems determined to destroy this small town feeling. The
citizens of Chula Vista have consistently told the city how they feel, but the
city has consistently tried to ignore us and do what they want. These are
graphs summarizing the thousands of comments the city received as part of the
visioning process for the General Plan Update. I attended most of these
meetings and I have a copy of several thousand comments people submitted. Unfortunately
few are reflected in the Plan adopted and even fewer in the recently adopted
Urban Core Specific Plan.
How clearer could citizens have been that their number one concern
was preserving community character?
Small Town atmosphere means no high rises one would think. I
personally feel that the General Plan Protection Initiative does not go far
enough. I think citizens should get to vote on any and all General Plan
amendments. There really is no other way that we can protect the small town
character that is essential to the character of this community. Elected
officials unfortunately spend a fortune getting elected, and greedy developers
with no concern for the community donate to campaigns way to generously. We desperately
need to restrict donations from independent groups in some way. Some of the city's
planning staff were hired specifically to promote the run away unsustainable
growth we have experienced and have little concern for what the existing
residents want.
It is unfortunate that
this initiative does not include all areas of Chula Vista, including the
bayfront, trolley stations and Eastern Urban Core. All major projects should go
to a vote of the people. All the people should get to vote on the bayfront, but for other projects at least the
people living within a few miles of the project. Unfortunately this is the only
way the citizens can be assured of a voice. Commissions and Council give way
more time and consideration to developers than residents. There
was a recent story in the Union Tribune about this.
The Initiative
actually is a very small step for the people, which hopefully will pass and
force the city and developers to actually spend the time to explain their
projects thoroughly and listen to residents concerns.
Obviously the only one
wanting density at transit stations is someone working for the city. The
residents sure tried to make it clear it was not them. People want to preserve
the character of their neighborhoods. It is a shame the city only deals with
the public through consultants who sometimes get input, which the city ignores,
unless it agrees with their preconceived ideas. Staff generally just does what they always intended
to do regardless of citizen input with the blessing of the council. Voters have a chance in June to make it clear we have had enough of this lack of respect.
here to read Crossroad II's questions and answers about Proposition E.