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~^*after your done with this page, come with me to my front page*^~
~ Wee one calichica,dusting
~Everything in your site,............
~Everything left, and everything right.
~Once that is done, she then has some fun,
~Neatly she signs and tickles all in one,..............
~Everything is now complete-intill next time we meet!
~scl(wee one calichica)~

You have just been dusted by wee one calichica!

I liked your site! keep up the good work!
~^some of the graphics are from, the doll in the blue dress i made to look like me,it does.

this site has looked the way it does since 6/28/00, I entered to be a fighter for the second time, this time with CCworks, so i thought everything needs a little work =)

lol, as you can see, me and my fairies are pretty busy! so if you have any questions, comments, please give me a few days to respond, thx

to go to my spirit the very LAST link down below

NOTE: in my personal site, i did not make all of the graphics, most were made for me at thesitefights, or i found on other TSF members "take me" pages
cool sites to go to!!!!

the sight fights
send a internet flower!
adopt a fairy
become a wee one(or fairy here!)
send a love pot!
get a doll made for you at WEE ONE CARTOON DOLLS! (i work there woo hoo!)~
button central
The Site Fights Graphics Creation Center:
****my spirit page˛********