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As children we believe in them
As adults we deny them
But no matter what, faeries are around us

From small towns to bold city places
Sprinckling color every year
working their magic as they enjoy nature...
we should too.

So don't be afraid, they will not harm you
as long as you treat our planet with love.

So now you know respect faeries
and in return you'll recieve
a much better world to live in.

By Wings

The Wee Small Hours

In an early morning mist they appeared
between the forest trees.
I found them singing and laughing
in a magical loop.

Quickly, wisping their shimmering wings
they smiled calling my name
inviting me to sing and play.

I felt peacefull and happy
I could not resist,
for their music was overwelming
The most beautifully enchanting melody
just as they were.

When they said it's time to go
I did not care
because I knew
they would be there
the next morning mist.

By Wings

A Faery Song

In ancient times when the earth
was covered with mist, the 'wee
folks' arrived to help nature exist.

When all shades of green were put into
place, the Faeries came to pick-up the pace.

Joy sprung over the land as their
fluttering wings flitted to and fro,
adding flowers to the earth below.
When the mist cleared and the sun
appeared what was there for Mother
Nature to see?

A forest abounding with colors galore
and bursting with delight as happy
wings folded bidding us a good-night!!

by unknown author(was sent to me)

Feel free to use any of my poems on your page
as long as you give a link back to Wings.
Click the image bellow to find the logo.
