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Fairy Stories

"I have an abundance of the fae on my property. I have even been able, when they feel like it, to catch their energies on film (well, actually digital photography). I have about 10 mountainous acres in the Nantahala Forest of Western North Carolina. I grow (mostly herbs) lots of plants organically and teach workshops, etc. on connecting with nature spirits. I just happened upon your website this morning and wanted to send you this email. I Believe!!"

"I have been taking pictures for over 30 years. I now use only digital cameras and found both of these photos intriguing. In the vertical shot, I was just trying to get a picture of the side of my gardens by the deck and one of my many cats. I did not, of course, see the energy field when I took the photo, but sure enough it was there when I uploaded. In the woods shot, you can see there are a lot of energies. It was early morning (around 7AM) and I was on one of my many walks through the woods. I spotted a lone spider web which is what I was hoping to catch on film and I was delightfully surprised with this photo. This is a large Laurel thicket on part of my property where deer, racoons, fox, bobcats, and even a bear once in a while ramble through. There is an abundance of nature here and I can feel the spirts of the woods all the time, so in reality, these photos are an indication to me that they are "letting me see them" to acknowledge me in return. I feel blessed. Thanks for letting me share."

By Karen from Earth Magic Herbs

"Hello, I wanted to share this with you and maybe others. It's was an experience I had one night. Let me explain a little about me, i'm into witchcraft and have been very much into it for many many years, i've had a couple intense people around who really shed a lot of light on a lot of my quetions in the beginning. but the one thing both of them always told me was to read, read on all magic, religions,magic,ghosts, spells, dragons, vaps,to the hanging of the witches, to superstition and on everything supernatural faeries is one of them of course ok to my point not to long ago i'm doing researce on faeries so we get to where faeries live FAERIESLAND?????? O.k. i'm thinking to myself come on can't we come up with something a little more original so i'm telling my friend about faerie land and we start clowning the name of course making fun of it. A week later I was taken to faerieland in my dream it was the most beautiful happy peaceful colorful musical place I had ever been to they only aloud me to stay for a short second cus they were afraid i might get hurt.. So there is a faerieland and I'll never make fun of another mythical place or being ever because they are out there ........ thank you.... "

From Anonymous

~Thank you for not taking these pictures and stories without Wings permission~