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I was born in Bakersfield, California on April 5th in the year 1947 at approximately 12 noon. I have lived my whole life in Bakersfield, but have often desired to move and live elsewhere. Destiny has kept me here instead.

I can't say my life has been boreing by a long shot. Boreing is the last thing it has been, but not always exciting in a good way either. Regardless of the bad things that have happened to me during my lifetime I don't regret any of them, because each was a learning experience in their own way. Some were good lessons I will admit, while others.....well....just a big pain in the butt, and I didn't learn a damn thing from them as far as I can tell. ha. Or if I did, I'm still not clear as the the reason or lesson I was to learn.

I was the youngest of three children and the curse my parents hadn't counted on. Litterally. I was an unplanned pregnancy that my mother had not wanted. I know this to be true because she told me.
I many was I was a rebel and caused my parents a lot of pain and embarrasement. But not always intentionally. That is the truth. Many of my actions was pure carelessness, and not any intention of hurting or getting back at my parents for things I too carried pain around inside myself for.

I have always walked to the beat of my own drum, and never followed the beat of others music. But do admit walking to my own beat has been a real trip and a half. It helped me to see the world in a very wide and wonderful light, that often clouded the vision of others. I wouldn't trade the way I see the world with anyone for all the money in the world either. I love the way I see people and the world and how it has enriched my life in so many ways. As you read the other links in this Circle of Life series you may understand why I love my life so much, and have let my romantic soul fly to the skys with such unabandoned freedom.

My childhood was normal in many ways, yet a tad bit restrictive which as a child I could never understand or accept. I was willful, stubburn, a real terror when that stubburnness came into action. My mother said no, and I said (to myself, not her) why the hell not? There was a saying in our family I grew up with which was a San original. My Mother told me to do something I didn't want to do, so I put my hands on my hips and said "ME NOT!" I was only about 3 years old at the time, yet it developed a pattern that became a habbit. I still have the pic my family took of me standing there saying that too. LOL Hopefully some day I will get it scanned and add here too.

At a very young age I developed a Thyroid problem. I was so thin the neighbors swore if a a gust of wind came along it would blow me off the street as I walked home from school. I remember my father taking me to a specialist for shorts twice a week. Those shots back in the early 1950's cost $25.00 apiece. They drained my parents of all their savings, so they had to simply stop taking me for any more, and prayed I had had enough of them to help me. Evidently I did, because the problem went away until I turned twenty years old. Then it was back, but in reverse the second time around. Second time it developed as low Thyroid rather than a hyper Thyroid. To this day I still take Thyroid medication daily.

I grew up a Tom boy. In ever since of the word. Having so many male cousins in my age group and not a single girl, I ran with the boys, climbed trees, played Tarzan, Cowboys and Indians, caught lizards and horntoads with the best of them. :)

At Christmas and birthday times unlike my sister who asked Santa for dolls and tea sets etc, I asked Santa for a set of western cowboy guns, a cowboy hat, boots, and a whole complete cowboy outfit. Ha. And guess what?.....come Christmas morning under our tree was the whole outfit. Guns and all. I was the happiest little girl in the whole wide world that Christmas day. On my thirteenth birthday I was asked what I would like to have and said a pair of 501 Levi button fly jeans. Yes I did. I wanted real boys jeans, not some flowered frilly girly style pants. That 501 Levi request my mom did her best to argue me out of....but I stood my ground and said if I didn't get those, I didn't want anything. I got the jeans. LOL

There is a underlying reason why I wanted those jeans...which I never told my mom about. Girls looked cool in tight boys jeans...which showed off their shapes damn good! (wink) :)

When I turned thirteen, I already was educated about a few things concerning teenagers. My brother was eight years older than I was, and my sister was seventeen months hanging around them and their friends educated me about what teens liked and what was considered cool. I remember seeing my bother go lay in a hot bathtub full of water with a brand new pair of 501's on to get them to shrink up and fit him good. Girls did the same thing. That being the cool thing to do, naturally that is why I wanted a pair of 501's too. But the other reason I wanted a pair of 501's is because they were so much nicer to hang out in. In my opinion dresses sucked big time! To this day....jeans are still my favorite and most often worn article of clothing. Some things just never change.....LOL


To be continued in "My Education".

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