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My children. I suppose basic facts will have to suffice on this one. I was 14 years old when my son Mark was born on September 2, 1962. We literally grew up together. Being a mother at the age of 14 was the most rediculous thing in the world.

My daughter Kate was born October 14, 1965. I didn't have the pleasure of knowing her because I was forced to give her up for adoption by my parents. Twenty nine years later we were reunited and developed a close relationship. There is a God in Heaven after all....

Rachel my youngest child was born when I was 22 years old on November 28, 1970. I must say Rachel was the most unusual as well as difficult of my children. Not difficult as in being a disobedient child because she was never that....just difficult in other ways the older she grew. Mainly as an adult Rachel being the strongest willed and determined of my children....the uncanny likeness to myself became more evident. That there was and is the cross we both have to carry. Ha.

Not every woman is created with a natural mother instinct. If anyone says we are, they are blowing wind out their you know what. We aren't born with that natural instinct as to needing children to make us feel as true women. We can feel THAT without ever having children.

I loved all three of my children, yet many times throughout my life I have regretted being tied down with children instead of being able to do things like other single, parentless women were doing. I've always envied the young women who went to college, then off to a new life and career without having responisbilities of children pulling them back. With me, each and every thing I did was a struggle, and guilt was heaped upon my shoulders for making a dream come true.

Age 14 is not good mother material. I took my responsibility to my children seriously, and passed up many things my heart cried out the desire to do. Yes I know that is what all parents are supposed to do, and that is why I say not every women is meant to be a parent. Some of us have tallents that far out weight our parenting skills, even though we do give our best and try very hard to be a good parent.

Dont misunderstand me and think I regret my children were born, because that isn't so. I have treasured memories of each of my children that I wouldn't trade for love nor money. They were born, to me even though so many other women would have been better mothers to them than I was. It was Destiny...plain and simple...theirs and mine....

My son Mark and I both had a common sense of humor which we shared on numerous occasions. I miss that more than anything since he died seven years ago. Kate my oldest daughter and I were reunited only a few brief years before she died last June. Mark died when he was age thirty from complications due to his Diabetes, and Kate died at age thirtyfive from a stroke. Both are missed terribly. And both left children behind to carry on their memory. As if I need anything to remind me daily of either one of them....

There will be more about my children in some of my other links here in 'My Circle Of Life'.

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