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My Circle of Life stories are being rewritten beginning with this opening page. Please begin here....then follow the links down below.

The Circle Of Life is about my life. My birth, family, childhood, marriage, children, their deaths, and my beliefs about many things. I did write briefly about my circle of life when I created the my circle of life graphic above. Recently I was told by one friend how she misses reading new stories I have written, and told by another friend how he will be happy if I rewrite the stories and include more of my past in them. So for them I am rewriting them all and will tell much more.

I have seen Gary Zukor on the Oprah Winfry show many times and think his ideas about love, marriage and relationships is pretty good, but I disagree with him as well. I for one believe romance does have to exist in a love relationship between a man and woman, or the relationship is is not a love relationship. It is a friendship relationship instead.

Gary Zukor insist that you are wasting your time looking and waiting for that romantic love that sweeps you off your feet. He has written several books which I do not have or have read, so I can’t quote him word for word, but only give you the general idea about his beliefs. He said on Oprah’s show that men and women look for the story book love that they have thought would make them whole and happy, but later when that kind of love dies or fades away, they then become disillusioned and the marriage or relationship fails. To a certain extent I do agree with him in several way. I agree that a person has to find happiness within themselves first before they can find happiness with another human being. I agree that happiness cannot be given to you as a gift from another person, and is within yourself waiting for you to find it.

What I disagree with Gary Zukor the most, is that Romance is alive and is a major important factor of life for many people. I should know....I was born with a romantic soul.....which it is plain to see that Gary Zukor was not. Romance is not just a candle light dinner with a mate or a set up. Romance is a sunset, a song, children playing out on the lawn with a puppy, a rose in bloom in a shady area by your front porch, a whisper of wind through your hair as you sit of an evening watching the stars. Romance is a living force that surrounds you with every breath you take, waiting for you to notice it.

Romance between a man and woman is there to be shared in a hundred different ways each and every day of your life. If you fail to see it and share it with your mate, then you are missing one of Gods greatest gifts. A walk of an evening holding hands is romance. Sitting sharing a glass of tea on a quiet patio is romance. Laying in bed with your heads close talking quietly about your dreams and needs is romance. Rocking a baby to sleep while your loved one sits holding your hand is romance. Laying in bed on a Sunday morning sharing the Sunday news paper is romance. Walking through a mall window shopping holding hands is romance. Sitting at a loved ones side while at a funeral of a dear loved one is even romance. It is how you share every event in your lives which determines if the romance is there or not. You can share the exact same events with an unattached feeling, or you can open up the window of your souls and allow the romance to join you.....that is the big difference and where I disagree with Gary Zukor.

Romantic and fairy tale love does exist. You can find it too. Weather or not you continue to nurture it and keep it alive is your choice. But you can’t do it alone, it takes both partners to allow the romance to enter that window into your soul.

Every relationship can share romance in some way. Friendship between two children can share it as they play on the lawn with that puppy. With their innocent souls they don’t push romance away or fear it. They live by day. And that is where adults make their biggest mistakes.....they stop living it simply because they grew up and felt they no longer needed it.

When a man and woman begin a courtship they allow the romance into their hearts and souls because they have been taught it is allowed during a courtship, and are not afraid of sharing it. Later when the relationship is more bonded they begin to feel embarrassed with expressions of romance and pull away from it. Romance is still there all around them. It never left, it is the individual who chooses not to let it into the window of their soul and share it with their mate any longer. I truly and deeply believe this....

You may wonder why I am speaking so much about romance when the whole purpose of my stories is supposed to be about my circle of life? It’s because ‘Romance’ is my life and a major part of my soul. It shows up in so many areas left and right. It shines through in nearly everything I do or say. If it didn’t....I wouldn’t be me.... I hope you enjoy my stories about my circle of life, and dearly hope you open the window of your soul and feel and live the romance along with me too. It’s such an incredible experience meant to be shared....

San Harper aka Mjjsan

My Birth
My Education
My Married Life
My Children

My Childrens Deaths

My Eventual Death and Beliefs

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