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Loosing your loved ones can be either a devistating experience that cripples you for the rest of your life, or it can be a learning experience that gives you strength to carry you on towards your Destiny during the rest of your life. I lost my son Mark to Diabetes at the age of 30. Two and a half years later I lost my mother to Cancer. And just this very summer I lost my daughter Kate to a stoke at the age of 35.

To say I know what it is like to loose your loved ones would be putting it mildly. I know with a vengence what it is like. Writing this link today is quite is October 14, 2000....Kates birthday. She would have been 36 years old today.

I feel blessed that Kate and I were reunited even if it was for only seven short years. It was seven years I once didn't believe I would even have. She lived in Arkansas and I in California, yet we were in constant contact one way of another. Kate called me at least once a week, we chatted online often for hours at a time, and we corresponded through email as well as regular mail on a regular bases too.

Kate and I had the same type of sense of humor which often had each other rolling in the floor laughing. She had the type of personality that drew people to her like a magnet. She was so loving and caring to all she met. But especially to animals. So much so her home was like a zoo. Inside and out. LOL But that was what was so special about her. She didn't give a rats A** what anyone thought about her if she felt she was helping some poor homeless or defenceless animal.

I miss my loved ones very much, and so often think about them and wish they were still here to share my life, but know they chose which gateway to take and when because they had acomplished what it was they came here to do. I do not feel they died too young and missed out on a long and happy life. They lived their lives here as their Destinys were meant to be lived, and I cannot find sadness in that. Not any more. Instead I feel joy that they chose me to share their lives with and brought me much joy while doing so.

I personally have learned so much from the loss of my loved ones. Number one is how short our time here on earth really is...and not to waste one single moment of it. I know that is easy to say, but often hard to put into action. I too used to waste so much of my life, but don't any longer. But the explination of all that will be in the "Death and Rebirth" link, so I won't delve into all that now here. I will say instead that my loved ones who I lost were each in their own ways terrific souls who enriched my life by knowing them. They gave me love, joy, tears, anger, sadness, laughter, worry, and each in their own ways drove me crazy too. Which I returned to each of them ten fold. Ha. Ha. Ha. :) But damn how I loved them so....

Email: Mjjsan

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