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Death to me is not the end of life...but only the end of one journey. I believe our souls live and move on to other journeys. We journey back to what is known as Heaven, but not up there in the sky somewhere among the clouds and Angels. I truely believe Heaven is right here on earth right beside us, but on a different sort of plain.

At a very early age for some reason I accepted the knowledge that reincarnation is real, and one lifetime is not enough for us to learn all that we need to know. I accepted as truth that we choose to come back to earth in order to continue a learning experience, over and over again. I was a teenager when I accepted this knowledge. I don't remember why or how the knowledge came to me, only that it did, and have lived with that knowledge or acceptance ever since.

I have believed spirits live around us all the time and we are never truely alone. I also believe Destiny is so true that before returning to each life we choose who we will be, what we are coming back to learn, and how we will achieve that goal. But I do believe we have free will too, which often causes us to get off our mapped out Destiny, and take side trips. Which causes a delay in acheiving our goals at an early stage, and draws our lives out to long ones. We know deep in our hearts each time we take a side road, but ignore our inner voices that say Mistake! And keep on going doing the other things anyway. Many times it is a stubburnness within us that simply says "Yes I know it is the wrong path, but I want to do this anyway"...and go ahead and do it, to later be lead back to the right path and later ask "Why did I waste so much time?" The answer could be...Because it was part of your Destiny...

Each and everything we do in life is a learning experience. Some are good, some bad, some happy, some sad, but none are ever really wasted if you did learn something from them. That is what this whole life thing is about after if you did learn from even your mistakes and little side journeys, then it wasn't wasted time, just delayed time is all.

I believe we choose when to leave each life and return to Heaven. As Sylvia Brown said, we have five gateways that lay throughout our life that were decided upon before returning to each life. Each time we approach one of the gateways we remember it is there and make the decission to go through it or not depending upon if we have finished our mission here on earth. If we haven't, we pass that one on by and continue on with our life. The next one we come to if we are ready we take that exit. If we are slow in accomplishing our goals and pass the first 4 by when we come to the 5th, we have to take it regardless if we accomplished our goals or not. We just come back again and try to GET IT next time. Ha.

I think back upon my life and can spot possible gateways I passed by. One was a car accident that I remembered was a gateway and decided I wasn't ready, and avoided it. Another was a kidney surgery I had and my heart stopped 3 times during the surgery, but I kept coming back. I guess I had a hard time deciding if I was going to take that one or not. LOL Another one was with my husband Blue that you can read about under the link "Did I Die?". Another one was a suicide attempt over 25 years ago. If Sylvia Brown is correct and I am correct in the gateways I believe I passed by, then I only have one more left. When and where that sucker is I have no idea at the moment, but do hope it is in the far distance. Because I am enjoying this life way too much and having too much fun! Not ready to go yet either! LOL :)


Email: Mjjsan

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Revised: September 24, 2000