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My Education....or School days

San at age 16
Me at age 16

Learning and education is one of the greatest gifts given to man kind. I personally cannot ever stop learning something new and exciting. I didn't always feel this way in the past as I do now at the age of 53. I attended grammer school at Standard School in Oildale, California, which is a subburb of Bakersfield. From Standard School when I graduated from the eighth grade, went on to North High School, then later to Bakersfield College.

Through out my life I have gone on with my education at various institutes of learning such as a college of beauty to become a lisensed hair dresser. Then educated in the field of word processing at a local business college. I worked in those two fields off and on over the last thirty years but wasn't satisfied or content in either field. I learned a great deal while in both professions that have helped me in many ways, which I'm grateful for. The things I learned I still use in my every day life.

More recently I discovered something more to my taste and such fun, I now know it was part of my Destiny too, which is Webpage and graphic creations which corrisponds with my writing. To enhance my abilities in this field I began attending New Horizons Computer Learning Center in December 2000. My God what I have learned and now putting to use in my work has opened my mind and life to amazing things. I have never been happier. :)

I have been a webpage junky and writing coholic for the last few years, but only recently have been able to create my own graphics and images. The feelings and few artistic tallents I was born with have been able to come bursting out in my graphics, which has been such an incredible experience. I can show my love, beauty, humor, joy, anger, frustrations, sadness, as well as any and all emotions in my graphics. I used to do this only in my writings...and now can show them in my graphics too. Which is so fulfilling.

I truely believe continuing learning new things and having the challenge of learning them is what keeps us young. It keeps our minds alert and active and wards off the ageing process. I feel such sorrow for people who don't care about learning anything new and stay in the same old mode their lives have been in for years and years. They live the same old routine day after day...and it is making them grow old far too fast. There is a whole wide world full of new and exciting knowledge just waiting for everyone and all you have to do is tap into them and learn....

You will hear me say over and over again "Life is so short" and I cannot stress how very short it really is, and how important it is for you to not waste a single moment of it. No matter what your interest are, there are banks of knowledge out there in the world for you to reach out and grab and make it your knowledge too. All you have to do is take the first step and just do it. The ways it will enrich your life will be amazing and incredible. You are never too old to learn something new. Never until you take your last breath here on earth will it be too late. The rewards are astronomical.

I am not telling everyone to go out and learn Webpage and Graphic designing. Maybe you have just wanted to learn how to crochet, or knit, or do china painting...or how to fix your own car, or even be a teacher! You think it is too late for you to learn any of these things? No way! Go sign up for just one night class at your local college for a class in any subject you have always wanted to know about, and that is the step that will change your whole life in amazing ways. Think about will get you out of that lonely house where you spend most of your evenings...and bring new friends into your life that you wouldn't have met sitting at home. That alone is worth it don't you think? But the bonus is what you will learn in that class, and how it will make your mind so much more alert by having to use it again. You used to use it like this long ago....but let it go dorment by doing just routine things for so many years. Now it is time to put it to use again with the exercise of learning something new. The way it will make you feel is so incredible. Do it....believe won't be sorry.... :)

When I was in grade school and high school, I was very, very shy and felt so inferior next to my classmates. I felt like a sorry looking toad, next to a bunch of princess's. That is the truth. What brought me out of my shyness was working in the cosmetology field where I was forced to talk to strangers. After a couple of years you couldn't shut me up. LOL

Learning the word processing and computer world was an awe inspiring experience. It was the first time I sat down at a job and was taught how to do data entry that my soul truely came alive. I guess the writing was on the wall but didn't know it even back then. :)

I loved working on computers, but it wasn't until much later doing the same boreing data entry day after day began to pale...and my soul began craving something new. Only after my children were grown and I went through some tramatic experiences, did the opportunity arrive for me to learn more advanced computer usuage. The Internet and WWW was the beginning...then evolved into graphic designs and more advanced webpage creating. Learning these was like being reborn into a whole wide world of fantastic and unimaginable creation. What ever bad things had occured in past years was worth every single moment of pain.....because it led me to all of this. But getting to this point was not easy. It was a long, long, hard road getting here. Which you will learn some of in the next chapters of my circle of life.


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