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English 72 Course Information

Technical Writing
English 72
(3 Units)
Instructor: Joe Gonzales

Textbook Web Site

Prerequisite: Level II Placement

Required Books:

Technical Writing: A Reader-Centered Approach(Anderson)
The New Century Handbook (Hult and Huckin)

Course Description
This course is designed for technical and industrial students and emphasizes those reading and writing skills that are needed for presenting technical matter and material in a clear, precise, and effective manner.

Course Objectives
The general objectives of this course are to study and analyze the methods and materials necessary to present information of a technical nature in an effective manner. Through reading and writing situations, the students will receive instruction and practice in specific areas in order to develop their abilities through practical experience. Students will study and practice the following:

Communication, Your Career, and This Book
Overview of the Reader-Centered Communication Process:
Obtaining a Job
Defining Objectives
Planning to Meet Your Readers' Informational Needs
Planning Your Persuasive Strategies
Drafting Paragraphs, Sections, and Chapters
Beginning a Communication
Ending a Communication
Using Six Patterns of Development
Drafting and Using Visual Aids
Creating Twelve Types of Visual Aids VIII
Designing Pages and Documents
Communicating Electronically: E-Mail, Web Pages, and Web Sites
Library Report
Validation Report
General Reports
Progress Reports
Empirical Research Reports
Feasibility Reports
Preparing Oral Presentations
Delivering Oral Presentations
Reports and Oral Presentations

Student Obligations
Because English 72 is a college level course and may fulfill elective requirements for the AA degree, students are expected to approach the course with a mature outlook and the desire to learn and utilize the material being studied.

Success in this course calls for three essentials:

  1. attending and participating actively in the class,
  2. following directions, and
  3. meeting deadlines.
Each student is expected to do the following:
  1. be prepared for each class meeting;
  2. have assignments finished by due date; readings, exercises, and assignments must be completed by the dates specified.
  3. maintain an acceptable attendance record; assignments and exercises are due for almost every session of class; many classes follow a workshop format, in which we edit and discuss the writing done by you and your colleagues; regular attendance and active participation in class discussion are, therefore, mandatory. For each unexcused absence beyond three, ten points will be subtracted from your semester point total.
  4. maintain a satisfactory level of scholarship;
  5. follow college policy for behavior.

Method of Evaluation
Each student's progress and development will be evaluated by the instructor on the basis of the student's ability to utilize the subject matter of the course in written and oral work.

Each student will meet with the instructor periodically for an analysis and discussion of the student's work.

Each student will be graded on individual assignments and will earn a final grade based on overall performance and improvement and the fulfillment of the course assignments.

On the basis of the instructor's evaluation, each assignment in this course will be evaluated in one of three categories:

A document that meets professional requirements: worthwhile content; sensible organization; readable style; and appropriate form, format, visuals, and mechanics. (10-8 pts.) or (100-80 pts.)

A document that satisfies most of these requirements, but has a few easily correctable deficiencies. (7 pts.) or (79-64 pts.).

A document that needs extensive revision to meet all the requirements, or has the type or amount of mechanical errors that would distract readers. (6-0 pts.) or (63-0 pts.).

Office: SHIMA 217F
Phone: (209)954-5589 or (209)954-5548 (Answering machine if not in)
Conference Hours: By Appointment

English 72  Final Exam Schedule

DAY__________________ DATE__________________ TIME ____________

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