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English 79 Homework

Click here for English 79 First Day Homework Assignment.

Click here for English 79 First Day Diagnostic Essay Assignment.




Many different possible formats are used for writing an academic paper. Please use the following to format your paper, but if you have any doubts or questions, ask the instructor!

Word-processing is not just a clever technological device to make your writing look good; use it to make the composing and editing processes easy and even fun.






English 79

The last day to submit this assignment will be on Friday, May 21, 2010. This assignment can be turned into my office in Shima 201 any time before the due date.

Click here for Final Essay Project.

Do the following:

1. Read the assignment.
2. Choose a topic for an in-class assignment on Tuesday, May 11, 2010.
3. Find four sources on the chosen topic and take to class on Tuesday, May 11, 2010.
4. For each of the resources found for number 3 above,write a summary of the resource between 100 to 150 words in length.

Due Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Some people believe that diversity or a system that takes race into account "helps break down prejudices and stereotypes." In your experience, is this true, or at least largely true? Would you agree or disagree with the above statement. Take a stand on the topic. Using reasons and examples, support your stand.

English 79

In-class Essay Prompt

Due Thursday, April 29, 2010

Essay Prompt

In her article to the Sacramento Bee titled, “Stockton’s Melting Pot Bubbles with Vigor,” author Anna Villegas says "...We've reached race neutrality. The proof is our children." Would you agree or disagree with the author’s statement. Take a stand on the topic. Using reasons and examples, support your stand. You can reference your essay to the city or town in which you live or you can refer to society in general.





English 79

Homework Essay Prompt

Due Thursday, April 29, 2010

In her article to the Sacramento Bee titled, “Stockton’s Melting Pot Bubbles with Vigor,” author Anna Villegas concludes by saying “We’re building a society where race mixing has extinguished racism.” Based on your personal experiences and experiences your friends and acquaintances have had with Stocktonians, would you agree or disagree with the author’s statement. Take a stand on the topic. Using reasons and examples, support your stand.

English 79

In-class Essay Prompt

Due Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Essay Prompt “Stockton advertises itself as ‘someplace special.’ Many people believe this saying and are pleased to live in Stockton. Others criticize the city and would like to move away.”

Respond to the above passage in the following way. Is Stockton or your city or town a pleasant place to live? Or is Stockton or your city or town an unpleasant place to live? Take a stand on the topic. Using reasons and examples, support your stand.





Homework Essay for Tuesday, April 27, 2010

English 79

Essay Assignment

Choose one of the following two topics:

Topic #1

A Glamour magazine survey of 33,000 revealed that American females value being thin more than success or love.The average woman would like to lose ten to fifteen pounds. Further, a recent study of high school girls showed that fifty-three percent were unhappy with their bodies.

Write an essay in response to the above passage. Is being thin a worthwhile goal for American women? Or is being thin a harmful goal for American women? Take a stand on the topic. Using reasons and examples, support your stand.

Topic #2

Research shows that today's college graduates will probably have as many as ten jobs before retiring thirty years from now. Some people feel that this maximizes their opportunity to find a career that really makes them happy. Others are afraid that job-shifting will not provide them with an opportunity to build a retirement fund and accrue other benefits.

Write an essay in response to the above passage. Is shifting jobs often a positive experience? Or is shifting jobs often a negative experience? Take a stand on the topic. Using reasons and examples, support your stand.





Homework Essay for April 22, 2010

English 79

Essay Assignment

Many Americans do not like old people. They believe that old people clutter up the landscape. Some families do not want to deal with their older family members, so they put them away in care facilities where someone else has to deal with the older family members. In reality old people are the nightmare vision of everyone's future.

Write an essay in response to the above passage. Based on what you have seen and experienced, does society reject old people? Or does society try to accommodate the needs of old people? Using reasons and examples, support your stand.





In class essay for April 20, 2010

English 79

Essay Assignment

According to author James Patterson, “Americans are willing to lie at the drop of a hat. Lying is part of their lives. Ninety-one percent of Americans say they lie routinely. And thirty-six percent of those confess to dark, important lies that hurt others or violate trust.”

Write an essay in response to the above passage. Is telling a lie sometimes acceptable? Or is telling a lie always unacceptable? Take a stand on the topic. Using reasons and examples, support your stand.





English 79

Homework Essay Assignment

Due Date: Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Essay Topic

Some years ago in New York, thirty-eight people watched while a woman was repeatedly attacked and finally killed. They all just watched or turned away or pulled the curtains. No one helped. No one called the police. They did not want to get involved.

Write an essay in response to the above passage. Have Americans become cold, insensitive, and indifferent to the problems of others? Or are Americans compassionate and concerned about the problems of others? Take a stand on the topic. Using reasons and examples, support your stand.

Click on the website below for some ideas to help you with this essay.





English 79


The following two essay assignments are due on Tuesday, April 13, 2010.

Be sure to read the directions on pages 2 and 3 of this handout before writing your essays. They will instruct you on how to write these two essay assignments.

Essay Assignment #1

Read the following websites. Choose one of the following theses statements and develop it in an essay. Be sure to use reasons and examples to support your stand.

Thesis Statements:
  • Animal testing is necessary to develop new medicines and advance scientific knowledge.
  • Animal testing is unethical and should be outlawed.
Essay Assignment #2

Read or reread the following website. Choose one of the following theses statements and develop it in an essay. Be sure to use reasons and examples to support your stand.

Thesis Statements:
  • Illegal immigration threatens life in the United States.
  • The United States should make it easier for illegal immigrants to legally live and work here.
  • What are the social and economic effects of illegal immigraton on a community?
  • What is the relationship between illegal immigration and crime?

Essay Assignment

The goal here is to present a reasonable, detailed, and convincing argument. Assume the audience for this assignment is undecided. Therefore, emotional reasoning or generalizing will not work; you will convince the audience of the validity of your position through logical reasoning and concrete supporting evidence. An effective logical argument combines general claims and specific supporting evidence as discussed in class.

Possible Structure:


First Body Paragraph Supporting Body Paragraphs Counter Argument Conclusion

Research and Documentation Style:

This assignment serves to provide students with an extended research project. The student will avail himself/herself of library facilities, including on-line materials and sources, in order to complete this research essay.

The Modern Language Association (MLA) or American Psychological Association (APA) parenthetical style documentation must be used. The use of other style manuals is permissible with instructor pre-approval. Plagiarism will not be tolerated. The student must be prepared to provide copies of source material upon demand.

The paper will be typed and double-spaced throughout. Only three fonts (type faces) are acceptable for the paper: Times New Roman, Courier, and American Type Writer.

The works cited page will appear at the end of the paper and on a separate page, with the words "Works Cited" or “References” centered at the top, depending on the style manual used.


Diction and Tone:

Once again, this assignment requires the writer to produce a formal paper. Tone and diction should always reflect this.





No Class Meeting on Thursday, March 18, 2010

Homework due for Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Steps in Composition

English 79 students must use the following "Writing Guidelines" to write and format this essay assignment.




Many different possible formats are used for writing an academic paper. Please use the following to format your paper, but if you have any doubts or questions, ask the instructor!

Word-processing is not just a clever technological device to make your writing look good; use it to make the composing and editing processes easy and even fun.

  • All essays must be typed.

  • Double-space all typing in all documents.

  • A serif typing font should be used. Use Times, Times Roman, or Times New Roman in a 12-point font size.

  • Cursive scripts are forbidden.

  • Never mix font styles.

  • Do not use anything fancy and avoid the non-serif fonts (except for titles and subtitles, if you have any), as they can become difficult to read after a while.

  • Use one-inch margins (or less), around the edge of your text. Do not use justified margins (even right margins), even though your word-processor makes that look "nifty." Justified margins tend to create some word-divisions and spacing that are not appropriate.

  • Use plain, white, 20-lb., 8 1/2- by 11-inch paper. Do not use tractor-fed paper.

  • Use plain black printing off a good laser or bubble-jet printer. Dot-matrix printing is acceptable if the copy is strong and dark; otherwise, take your floppy disc into a computer lab where you can print your paper using a better printer.

  • Spacing: With modern word-processors, it is a good idea to get into the habit of using only one space after a period, question mark, semicolon, colon, etc. Word-processors will allow for the appropriate spacing. A double-space can actually do weird things, especially if your margin is justified (which is probably not a good idea). If you have any questions about this, ask your instructor.

  • Spacing around quotation marks and parentheses can raise questions.
  • The most important rule you must remember about quotation marks is that in the United States periods and commas go inside quotation marks regardless of logic.

  • (Titles can be important. If you can't think of a good title, it might mean that your paper has no real focus. Capitalize the first, last, and important words of your title. A title can end in a question mark or exclamation mark, but it cannot end in a period. (This is different from usage in other languages.)

  • You might use quotation marks in a title if they refer to someone else's title (of a poem, say), but do not put quotation marks around your own title (e.g., Robert Frost's "Design" could be your title, but not "Robert Frost's 'Design'.").
  • A title page is unnecessary.
    Place your name, date, and course number at the top left side of the first page. Place your last name and page number in the upper right corner of every page beginning with page two. Never use the back of a sheet of paper; staple additional sheets at the upper left-hand corner.

  • Please do not use plastic binders; they are cumbersome and a waste of money. I like a nice, flat stack of papers to cram into an attache case or backpack, and those plastic folders just get in the way when it is time to grade the papers.

  • Evidence of careful re-reading and editing here and there (a last-minute correction done neatly with pen) is permissible; sloppiness is not. Last-minute corrections can be accomplished on a Word document, and your paper ought to be nearly perfect when you hand it in.

    Do not wait until the very last minute to write or print out your paper!




English 79

Homework due for Tuesday, March 15, 2010

Steps in Composition

Do the following Exercises:





English 79

Homework due for Thursday, March 11, 2010

Steps in Composition




English 79

Homwork due on Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Steps in Composition

Read and Respond

Sentence Writing